Shruti (Mehendiratta) Choudhary

A Creative Writer by choice and an IT person by profession, Shruti likes to make use of her writings to reach more and more people & help make a difference to the way society has been thinking and acting. She firmly believes that WE are the SOCIETY. She is inclined in writing on general but important issues pertaining to daily life, like health, fitness, psychology, general beliefs, social taboos, changing lifestyle, etc. She likes to travel and believe that one doesn't just spend money on trips but rather earn memories in return. She loves to do poetry in English and Hindi. Shruti is associated to the IT world for 19 years now. But is able to make time for her passion & shares her experience that one should do certain things for their own pleasure and content than just burning the midnight oil for filling in someone else's pocket. She believes that there is no rule book mentioning the correct timing of things in our life and we should enjoy this beautiful gift as it happens and have our own First Hand Experience of things.

Voice of Shruti (Mehendiratta) Choudhary

Be There For The Ones Who Need You, Who Knows You Might Need Them Too

Today, when so many people are suffering from depression, we need to start caring for them and being there for them!

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Why Is Having A Boy Child In A Family So Important?

So is it mandatory having a brother to complete the family? Aren’t the ones without them seem to live a happy and contented either? I was brought into this life by an innocent womb, Without the knowledge of what will be my gender. She loved me, nurtured me day & night with her every breath, […]

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My Religious And Spiritual Beliefs May Not Be The Same As Yours But It Doesn’t Give You The Right To Judge Me!

In a country like India, being cultural is a large part of who we are. But is it right to constantly force people to follow your culture or your beliefs?

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We Should Own The Choices We Make!!

It is about the decision or choices we make and how we bear the onus of accepting the end result.

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Why Appreciation Matters During The COVID-19 Pandemic

While we are all at home practising social distancing during the lockdown, what are some of those crucial things to keep in mind?

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Being Mindful In The Times Of The Current COVID-19 Crisis

During the lockdown, the situation may seem to be worsening, but if you're at home and safe, appreciate the little things and be more mindful and wise.

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In Moments Of Grief, Crying Doesn’t Make You Weak, Instead It Helps You Feel And Heal Better!

We are often asked to stop crying or expressing ourselves. Why is our society so afraid of tears? Shouldn't we just people feel what they want to?

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It Took Me A Few Years Of Marriage To Understand How My Mother Must Have Felt About Her In-Laws

Transparency is the key for any relationship to breathe, sustain and blossom with time and age. That, along with some understanding, can build long term relationships.

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Sing-Along The Rhythms Of Life. Here is Why Music Can Heal

Here is why Music can not only soothe soul but scientifically too help in theraputic healing! The chords of your thoughts and the rhythm of music, let them echo, Free your mind & let the verve of life flow, neutralize the ethos. Dance to the beat, like a child who got lost in this race […]

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Women! It’s Time To Stop Calling It A Man’s World, It Is Yours Too!

From making ourselves small to finally taking charge of our lives, women have come a long way. Here's to women finally claiming it's their world too!

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Virtual Medication: What’s This New Concept?

Virtual medication is a much needed concept in today's fast-paced world. Find out what it is.

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The Art Of Creating Beautiful Relationships That Endure – Through Conversation

Life becomes beautiful and comfortable when your partner can easily relate to your thought process or as they say when the two have matching wavelengths. Every situation becomes more enjoyable and all kinks seem straightened out.

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A Little Bit Of Health Goes A Long Way!

Time and again, I’m compelled to write on being healthy, something I have been going through and thinking about a lot, myself on and off, but cautiously for about a year now.

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Being Healthy – A State Of Mind

Diet, Calorie, Fitness – doesn’t all these seem to be the word of the month nowadays? It’s like some kind of a revolution that everyone around has something to share about, like what they do for being healthy and fit, what diet they are following, etc.

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14 Signs That You Might Be The ‘Good Indian Woman’. How Many Ring True?

Who makes up society? And who makes the rules that 'good Indian women' have to abide by? Look into yourself and make that change now if others have to change.

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Censor Board, Were You Sleeping When You Okayed ‘Tere Chumme Mein Chyawanprash Hai’?

The recent song 'Tera chumme mein chyawanprash hai' made the author contemplate about the various double-standards that plague our society.

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Be Your Own Judge, Be The One Who Gets To Experience!

Be your own Judge! You may feel astonished reading the subject line, but the truth of the matter is that this is what we need to tell ourselves.

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For The Sake Of Faith…

The author explains why, though she believes in God, she places less emphasis on blind faith and prefers to invest in patience.

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