I Am An Ordinary Mom Who Can Sometimes Be Judgemental About The World

An 'ordinary woman', an 'ordinary' mom, representative of every woman, speaks of the struggle between the dichotomy in her mind, about the way she feels about everyday things.

An ‘ordinary woman’, an ‘ordinary’ mom, representative of every woman, speaks of the struggle between the dichotomy in her mind, about the way she feels about everyday things.

The ordinary woman. No, no, I am not talking about the housewife. The ordinary woman is the one who is not dumb, but not so intelligent either. She is not orthodox but she is not modern too. She is somewhere in the middle, the ordinary woman is the average woman, more like the middle order batsman.

I  fall into this category. I am always hanging in the middle, wanting to reach higher, resisting the force from below and trying hard to balance.

I want my children to go to the best school, learn to speak English fluently, but I feel bad that they don’t speak in their mother tongue.

I want my children to play, get trained in some sport, but I am worried that it may effect their studies. The average mind doesn’t get convinced that sports can be a career too. I want them to  be good in academics, so they can be sure of a career, because I am scared.

I want to teach the kids everything about good touch, bad touch, but I convince myself that it’s ok! My kids need not know all that so soon.

I want my kids to hang out with all the smart children but I don’t want them to party with them.

I buy short dresses for my girls but have a problem if other girls wear their dresses short.

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I want to have fun, enjoy life, dress up but I don’t like women who wear skimpy dresses and are having fun.

I want to learn new things but I don’t want to give that time to myself, lest I am labeled selfish.

I am in awe of ladies who excel in their chosen careers but I convince myself that they are not good mothers.

So, this neither there nor here state, makes me an average woman, an ordinary mom.

We are the ones who want to be wished on Women’s Day and then sulk that the whole idea is nonsense.

After putting down all these thoughts here, I am feeling like laughing heartily and I don’t feel ordinary anymore.

How can I be ordinary, if I know my failings?

Published here earlier.

Image source: shutterstock

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