Why Is A Woman’s Earning Considered ‘Pocket Money’ To Spend On ‘Unnecessary’ Items?

A woman's earning is belittled in our society, often considered mere 'pocket money'. This enables society to pull down a woman's ambitions.

A woman’s earning is belittled in our society, often considered mere ‘pocket money’. This enables society to pull down a woman’s ambitions.

“Why are you studying so hard? Take it easy, learn cooking!” said a brother to his little sister. “Why do you want to do the job? We will get you married with a rich man!” said a father to his daughter.

Just because we are women, can’t we have proper, real jobs? Why can’t our jobs and career be our priority? Why is a woman’s earning considered ‘pocket money for her clothes and beauty expenses’? Why can’t society treat a working women equal to men? Why can’t girls buy their own house? Why do they have to stay in their husband’s house? Why they can’t pay the bills, save for the future and send their children to a good college?

In our society, the career of a woman is not considered of much importance. They are supposed to be only made for marriages, raising children, caring for the family and doing shopping! A husband finds it difficult to change their schedule due to the stupid meeting of his wife. But they want their wife to change her schedule according to the husband’s need.

The myth that women can be ambitious has become a fact. The man with a big house, luxurious car and big money is not what a girl wants. They want a real man who is there to cook when she is late from a meeting. She wants a man who does grocery shopping with her. She wants a man who takes care of their children when she is out on a work trip.

The whole world thinks that a woman is a burden on a man as the husband has to earn for both and has to pay all her bills as she is not independent. The truth is that our society doesn’t want her to be independent. They want her to follow religiously what is being in practice from earlier times.

Since the time a girl is born, she is taught to be kind, gentle, and have good manners -she shouldn’t speak loudly, shouldn’t answer back, shouldn’t seem to be too ambitious or outspoken. So that she can make a good bride, and her so-called married life can be good.

Everything which is happening around is wrong. I do to have a real job. And being a girl doesn’t make my career my last priority. There are no perks which I enjoy as a women – I equally contribute for my home and work, and am still being looked down upon. My family thinks my children won’t do good in life because of my working. But they don’t understand that I make sure my career and family are both balanced. I pay the bills for my expenses as well as the bills of electricity, water etc. – my husband won’t have to work just to pamper me.

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Why should boys have all the fun? We women are no less than anyone else. Just keep in mind that the world will try to pull you down and say you can’t do this and that – because you are a woman. But work harder, till you heart says you can and do not stop till you become better then what you wanted to be.

Image source: pixabay

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I just give voice to my thoughts and write my heart out. I am a simple photographer of my views. I know just one thing, nothing is wrong or right. JUST WRITE. read more...

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