I Want To Let Go Of My Past Mistakes And Move On! Here’s Why

Too much is often made of any mistakes a woman makes and she is not allowed to let them go and live her life. After all, a woman is supposed to uphold tradition, isn't she?

Too much is often made of any mistakes a woman makes and she is not allowed to let them go and live her life. After all, a woman is supposed to uphold tradition, isn’t she? 

Yes, get over your past, get over something that makes you feel bad about yourself. Because if you won’t get over it, this world will keep haunting you about the mistakes you have done in your life.

Everyone in this world has done something or the other that makes them the villain or the bad person.

I have also made some mistakes in my life that kept haunting me for two years of my life. But I realized that I need to get over them to move on to my life, to look forward to something that is waiting for me. Something good, something positive.

I can’t keep clinging onto my mistakes and keep sulking over it.

I’m not saying that you can do something wrong and immediately forget it. Of course, learn from your mistakes, improve yourself as a person and lead your life with positivity.

You know the biggest problem with us, with women, is that we think a lot. We are considered to be this ‘perfect creature‘ that god has created. We cannot commit any mistakes! And if we do, world won’t let us live. They keep reminding you who you are for that one mistake you have committed.

Suddenly, there is a dent on you, a ‘stain’ on you. People judge you.

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By the way, I am talking about even general, not very big mistakes, such as if a woman is caught smoking, she exchanged numbers with a guy at bar, she didn’t cook properly, she could not live deliver the project on time, etc, etc.

So are these mistakes even worth thinking of?

Men do them all the time.

Yet they don’t think much of it and they are happy.

I watched Sheryl Sandberg‘s speech. She said, one thing that we can learn from men is not to be perfect in everything. They are carefree, so should we. We are not supposed to be perfect in everything and in everywhere.

However, unlike men, we can definitely improve ourselves by not repeating them. (Pun intended).

Also, I recently read this book The Immortals Of Meluha. The character Sati is shown to be a vikrama, supposed to be the carrier of a bad fate. Don’t have to explain much here. Says it all. Huh?

She fell in love with Shiva. Shiva never believed in any such theory of being a vikrama. She confessed her love to him. She got over what people used to make her feel time to time.

And guess what. They were a happy couple.

So it’s you who needs to stand up for yourself. I think mistakes make you realize who you are. They help you grow as a person. You should be clear on what is right and what is wrong for you.

Let’s not make a big deal out of this. Learn from your mistakes, get over it. And if somebody reminds you of your mistakes, just say get over it dude!

Have a happy life lady!

Image source: shutterstock

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Hanisha Kapoor

Love to read crazy new stuff. What I love more is to write. And in between, I just chill. read more...

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