The Lonely, Unappreciated Single Mother, Further Belittled By Society…

Soon she came to know that her ex-husband had already started living in with another girl. He had moved on without any sense of responsibility towards his children.

Seema had just separated from her abusive husband of 10 years.  She, along with her 2 children, left the toxic house forever and shifted to her parents’ home.

She could sense that her parents weren’t very happy or welcoming of her decision of separation. Like typical Indian parents, they had turned a blind eye to her trauma and ordeal. They pretended as if they didn’t know or understand anything. Seema’s face described her unhappy and traumatic life yet they refused to bring her.

But this time she could no longer stay with her abusive husband and left the home forever.

A lonely road ahead

She knew she wouldn’t get a single penny from the father of her children for their upbringing or for herself. She was a school teacher and didn’t earn a lot. Her parents chipped in but they would always remind her of their increased expenses because of the three of them. Society questioned, the so-called friends distanced, relatives ridiculed, and the parents kept silent.

Soon she came to know that her ex-husband had already started living in with another girl. He had moved on without any sense of responsibility towards his children.

People could advise, lecture, ridicule Seema but no one once tried to understand or heal her broken and shattered heart. She had always dreamed of a happy home with a loving husband and children, but her dreams were shattered.  The domestic violence, emotional abuse, gaslighting had further broken her confidence and self-esteem. She now only worried about her children’s future. She knew she had to fight a long, lonely battle.

Sounds familiar?

There are so, so many women out there who are fighting this lonely battle and are single mothers even when staying with their husbands. Most of the times, it’s the mother who is left to fend for herself and her children.  The father moves on, but the mother mostly cannot. The unfortunate part is that such women instead of getting support are alienated.

Instead of asking, “Why, what, how”, its better to just lend your shoulder, ear or a helping hand if you can.  Society is as such quick to judge women no matter what.  Seema doesn’t need sympathy, she needs empathy.  Her broken self-esteem and heart needs a healing touch.

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It’s not an easy journey…

Image source: a still from the short film Juice

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About the Author

Ritwika Roy Mutsuddi

I am a travel expert by profession and an avid blogger by passion. Parenting and women's issues are something that are close to my heart and I blog a lot about them. read more...

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