How Porn Exploits Women On Screen And Dehumanises Them In Real Life

Most porn is exploitative of women. Porn changes the way men look at women, more like an object without real needs than a living breathing human.

The world of porn is a made-up world filled with fake acting to attract its viewers and keep them addicted the same way drug dealers keep their customers addicted.

Watching porn leads to release of dopamine, and over time it becomes an addiction where anyone who watches it craves more and more. Like any other drug addiction leads to a horrible end, porn addiction also leads to bad endings. Porn creates unrealistic expectations which women in real life would never be able to achieve because it doesn’t exist.

Porn sets wrong expectations of men from women

Most porn is exploitative of women. Porn changes the way men look at women. Porn addiction makes men look at women more like an object rather than a living breathing human. They even expect women to look like porn stars when they are naked, and act and behave like one in the privacy of their bedrooms. These sexual expectations are fantastic and regular women cannot and should not be expected to conform to.

The end result is a “disappointed man who didn’t get what he expected”! In most cases these men end up blaming the women for not “reaching their expectations”.

It is worse as in Indian men who are poorly educated about sexuality

Especially, Indian men who are very ill informed about women and their needs and how sex in real life works end up sometimes even committing crimes while trying to imitate the scenes from these porn films.

The mentality of Indian men has been ruined to such an extent that they view women only as an object for pleasure. They consider it a “conquest” to have sex with as many women as they can. There are also new pages popping up on social media everyday which sexualize women more and more, and there seems to be no solution to this problem in the near future.

The young and vulnerable are most affected

Among women too, it is teenagers and young adults who are most affected – Porn has a habit of glorifying pedophilia.

It is gut wrenching to see that teenage women are the most targeted where even 50-year-old men desire to sexually exploit teenagers, and would even go to extreme extents to take advantage of young kids.

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A lot of Indian men who watch porn have no idea how an actual woman thinks and behaves. They get sexually frustrated end up exploit women even further. If such men can be compared to garbage, then porn is that rotten fruit which makes it even worse.

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