sexual abuse
Would You Intervene If You See Another Man Sexually Harassing A Woman?

Women know exactly how vulnerable we are in public, but whenever we speak about it men seem to believe that the solution is to learn the art of self defence. “Teach your daughter karate so she can defend herself when she is sexually harassed”, they say, quite forgetting that that even being among the best […]

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I Am Not For Sale!

Although India has robust anti-trafficking and anti-child sexual abuse laws, the lack of proper implementation means it goes on with impunity.

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Condemning An Abuser Should Be Easy… But Why Does It Sometimes Become So Difficult?

I struggled to reconcile the two aspects- the formidable talent who literally moulded kathak into its modern form and the man who took advantage of women in his charge.

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Digital Rape: What Is It?
What is Digital Rape?

The term digital rape comes from “digit” which means, finger or toe and has nothing to do with crimes related to tech or the digital world

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How Porn Exploits Women On Screen And Dehumanises Them In Real Life
Porn exploits women

Most porn is exploitative of women. Porn changes the way men look at women, more like an object without real needs than a living breathing human.

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Gender Based Violence Is The ‘Civilized’ World’s Oldest Dirty Trick

We say 'human civilisation' but in reality, perhaps men never really evolved from their caveman mindset to date.

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