8 Government Schemes For Women In India

With the modern world at the horizon, these 8 Government schemes are leaving no stone unturned for the upliftment of women.

India is infamous for its gender inequality. However, with the modern world at the horizon, these Government schemes are leaving no stone unturned for the upliftment of women.

Here is a list of the most noteworthy programs introduced by the Government of India in the last three years. Each one is thoughtfully crafted and covers a lot of ground towards the upliftment of women.

There are many such schemes that have been introduced, and are well-intentioned, although the actual results would be seen based on the mode and efficiency of implementation. What are these 8 government schemes?

8 Government schemes for uplifting women in India

Here is a quick summary of recent government schemes for women.

  • Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, meant for uplifting women in the sphere of women’s education
  • Sukanya Samriddhi Account, meant to help families’ save for their daughters
  • One Stop Center scheme meant to offer easy access for women suffering from domestic abuse or violence, and needing support
  • Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana meant to offer free LPG connections to women living below poverty line
  • Mahila Haat meant to support women entrepreneurs and women self help groups
  • Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme for Children of Working Mothers meant to provide affordable daycare services to working women
  • Maternity Benefit Scheme meant for pregnant women and lactating mothers
  • Women’s Helpline 1091 meant to provide emergency assistance to women in trouble, especially those facing violence of any kind

These are just some many of the many recent government programs for women introduced to make our lives easier. Read on for a more detailed account of each women’s scheme introduced by the government.

Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao - Wikipedia Government scheme

One of the most spectacular initiatives by the Government of India, this one is pushing boundaries in the field of upliftment of women by ensuring protection and survival of the girl child in light of the declining Child Sex Ratio. It was launched in Jan 2015 fulfilling one of the election promises by the current Prime Minister.

Even after 70 years of independence we find ourselves chained to regressive mentality leading to inhumane practice of female infanticide. This scheme focuses on celebrating the birth of a girl child and being proud of them just as we are about our boys.

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This social campaign shall create awareness and encouragement in 100 identified districts with alarmingly low sex ratio by extending Rs. 1 crore each.

Check the scheme at this link.

Sukanya Samriddhi Account

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna | Government schemes

Launched in Jan 2015 this scheme is an extension on the first mentioned plan. The government is taking efforts not only to save more and more girls but is equally determined to provide them with better and economically secured future.

India being a nation where, although women are worshipped in every religion, society is keener on getting them married rather than educated. To bring about a turnaround, this plan concentrates on helping families financially for their daughters’ education and wedding expenses.

In accordance with this saving scheme, parents or guardians can open an exclusive account in the name of their daughter with any bank or post office with a minimum amount.

Multiple deposits of any value can then be made every year up to 14 years from date of opening a/c. The deposit shall mature after 21 years. The deposit made can be claimed as deduction under Sec 80C of Income Tax. Also, interest earned, presently 8.4% p.a, is also tax-free.

Check the scheme at this link.

One Stop Center Scheme

Sakhi - One Stop Centre

All around us, we witness women struggling from exploitation, torture, and violence which needs to be checked. This violence could be in any form—physical, sexual, mental, economic or psychological abuse.

It is the primary responsibility of any nation’s government to give its citizens a fair and safe environment to blossom. In line with this goal of upliftment of women, One Stop Centre Scheme was introduced in April 2015.

These One-Stop Centres (OSC) shall step up for offering immediate response, emergency help, medical support and legal and psychological assistance to affected women and girls even below 18 years of age.

Check the scheme at this link.

Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana


Launched in March 2016 this is a step by the Government of India to keep every household fed and aims at providing free LPG connection to women below poverty line. It gained a lot of attention due to the social campaign and an appeal to the affluent class to give up LPG subsidy in favour of weaker classes.

Making sure that each family has an LPG connection will have two-way advantages. It will not only work for upliftment of women by improving their health, pushing them away from smoke and dust, but also save non-renewable resources used for fire by these people. You just need to submit the required documents and make an application to garner benefit of this scheme.

Check the scheme at this link.

Mahila E-Haat

Mahila E-Haat - Times of India

A shout-out to the entire community of women entrepreneurs and aspiring leaders. This plan emphasizes on empowering women entrepreneurs, NGOs, self-help groups and small producers.

Introduced in March 2016, this bilingual portal presents an online marketing platform for women all over our country to showcase products manufactured, and the services offered by them to attract customers. This portal shall act as a catalyst for their business and requires only a mobile number to be accessed from anywhere, anytime.

A huge leap, it is in line with the ‘Digital India’ and ‘Stand up India’ social campaigns to boost the Indian economy.

Check the programme at this link.

Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme for Children of Working Mothers

Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme

No matter how talented or devoted a mother is, her child will always be her priority. She will give up a successful career just to look after her kids. In order to reduce this dropout, which is extensive in our country, the government has come up with this scheme for upliftment of women in 2006.

As there has been a remarkable increase in number of work opportunities for women and also the need to support the family income due to increasing inflation, this is a welcome step for all.

It will provide day-care facilities, improved nutrition, immunization facilities, sleeping facilities, and set the stage for better physical, mental and social growth of children of working women.

All of us, whosoever needs and can, must try to avail the benefit of this thoughtful scheme.

Check the scheme at this link.

Maternity Benefit Program

Pradhan Mantri Matri Vandana Yojana - Wikipedia government scheme

This scheme is for the benefit of pregnant and lactating women in India and desires to provide proper care, practice and efficient utilization of government sponsored facilities.

Previously known as Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana, it was renamed as Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana in 2017 to combat the increasing maternal mortality rate.

It presents conditional cash transfer for women of 19 years or above who are expecting or lactating for her first two live children. It additionally covers the wage loss incurred during this period.

Check the programme at this link.

Women’s Helpline

Women Helpline Number: Toll-Free Complaint Registration 1090 Helpline

Implemented in April 2015, this Women’s Helpline 1091 scheme is an initiative for upliftment of women who are in need of immediate emergency response facing violence.

It provides 24 hour toll-free telephonic assistance to any women or girl facing violence in the public or private sphere of life. It also spreads awareness about various plans and programs launched and run by the government and governmental agencies for their help.

These helplines intervene in critical situations by referring to the nearest hospital, ambulance facility, police station, fire department, and others.

An essential helpline all of us should be aware of.

Remember, never doubt your power and value. We deserve every chance and opportunity to dream, achieve and shine.

When our government is making herculean efforts at last, let’s be conscious of our rights and avail maximum benefit of these programs to make our nation strong and proud!

Recommended read:

Image source for 8 government schemes for women India: CanvaPro

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