3 Key Benefits Of Menstrual Leave Policy In India

What are the key benefits and challenges of menstrual leave policy in India? Here is an article explaining it all!

Menstrual leave policy, also known as period leave, is a topic of discussion in many workplaces around the world. It is a policy that allows employees to take time off from work due to menstrual-related symptoms.

Menstrual leave policies are not a common practice in most workplaces, they are gaining attention as a way to support women’s health and well-being. In this article, we will explore the concept of the menstrual leave policy, its benefits and challenges, and its implementation in various countries.

What is the menstrual leave policy?

This is a policy that allows women to take time off from work when they are experiencing menstrual-related symptoms. Menstrual-related symptoms can include cramps, headaches, fatigue, nausea, and other physical and emotional symptoms.

Menstrual leave policy can be considered a form of sick leave or personal leave, but it specifically recognizes the unique challenges that menstruation can pose for women and mensturators in the workplace.

The concept of a menstrual leave policy is not new. It has been implemented in some countries for decades. For example, Japan introduced a menstrual leave policy in 1947, and South Korea followed suit in 2001.

In recent years, other countries such as Taiwan, Indonesia, and Italy have also introduced menstrual leave policies. There has been a growing call for a menstrual leave policies in recent years.

Menstruation is still considered a taboo topic in many parts of India, and women often face discrimination and stigma when they discuss their menstrual health.

However, the recent announcement by the Kerala government that it will grant menstrual leave for female students in all state universities under the Department of Higher Education, this topic has created havoc among the masses and now people everywhere are asking for this policy.

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Benefits of menstrual leave policy

The menstrual leave policy has several potential benefits for women in the workplace.

  • Firstly, it can help to reduce the stigma around menstruation. Menstruation is often considered a taboo topic, and women can feel embarrassed or ashamed to discuss their menstrual-related symptoms with their employers.

By implementing a menstrual leave policies, employers can signal that they value their female employees’ health and well-being, and that menstrual-related symptoms are a valid reason for taking time off.

  • Secondly, the menstrual leave policy can help to reduce the gender gap in the workplace. Menstrual-related symptoms can affect women’s productivity and attendance at work and may contribute to women missing out on career opportunities.

By allowing women to take time off when they are experiencing menstrual-related symptoms, employers can help to level the playing field for women in the workplace.

  • Finally, the menstrual leave policy can help to promote women’s overall health and well-being. Menstrual-related symptoms can be debilitating, and taking time off to rest and recuperate can help women to feel better and perform better at work.

Challenges of the policy

While the menstrual leave policy has several potential benefits, it also poses some challenges for employers. One challenge is determining how much time off to allow for menstrual-related symptoms. Menstrual symptoms can vary widely from woman to woman, and from cycle to cycle, so it can be difficult to determine a standard amount of time off that is appropriate for all women.

Additionally, employers may be concerned about abuse of the policy, with women taking advantage of menstrual leave to take time off for non-menstrual-related reasons.

Another challenge is the potential for discrimination against women. Employers may be hesitant to hire women if they believe that this policy will result in increased costs or decreased productivity.

Additionally, women who take menstrual leave may face stigma or discrimination from their colleagues, who may view them as less committed or less capable.

Implementation of the policy

The implementation of the menstrual leave policy varies widely across countries and industries. In some countries, such as Japan and South Korea, the menstrual leave policy is enshrined in law and is mandatory for employers to provide. In other countries, such as Italy, the menstrual leave policy is voluntary and is offered at the discretion of individual employers.

Some companies have also implemented a menstrual leave policy on their own initiative, even in countries where it is not required by law. For example, Nike introduced their policy in 2017, allowing female employees to take up to one week of menstrual leave per month.

Menstruation Benefit Bill

In the same year, India’s Ministry of Women and Child Development proposed a “Menstruation Benefit Bill” that would mandate employers to provide female employees with paid leave for up to four days per month for menstrual-related reasons.

The bill also proposed other measures, such as providing free menstrual hygiene products and ensuring access to clean and safe toilets.

However, the bill has not yet been passed into law, and there has been some resistance to the idea of a menstrual leave policy in India. Some argue that it could lead to discrimination against women and that it could be difficult to implement fairly across different industries and workplaces.


In conclusion, the implementation of the menstrual leave policy is important for the empowerment of women in several ways.

  • Issues unique to women: First, it acknowledges and addresses the unique challenges and needs faced by women during menstruation, such as physical discomfort and emotional stress.

By providing paid leave for menstrual-related reasons, the menstrual leave policy can promote women’s health and well-being, and reduce the stigma and discrimination that often surround menstruation.

  • Promote gender equity: Second, the menstrual leave policy can promote gender equity in the workplace by recognizing and accommodating the specific needs of female employees.

It can help to ensure that women are not penalized or taking time menstrual-related reasons and that they are able to fully participate and contribute to the workplace.

  • Raise awareness: Finally, the menstrual leave policy can help to raise awareness and encourage discussions about menstruation, which is still considered a taboo topic in many societies.

By promoting open and honest conversations about menstrual health and wellbeing, the menstrual leave policies can help to break down the stigma and discrimination that women often face and promote greater gender equality and empowerment.

As we approach International Women’s Day on March 8th, it is important to reflect on the progress that has been made towards promoting gender equity and empowerment, while also recognizing the ongoing challenges and barriers that women continue to face.

The menstrual leave policy is just one example of how we can work towards promoting women’s health, well-being, and equality in the workplace and beyond. By continuing to advocate for policies and practices that support women, we can help to create a more just and equitable world for all.

Image source: Karolina Grabowska from Pexels, free and edited on CanvaPro


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Adrika is a women’s studies student from TISS Mumbai who likes exploring the world today through her writing. She is passionate about reading and writing and an ardent advocate of human rights issues, particularly read more...

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