Returning To Work As A New Mom Is Scary, But Not Impossible

Returning to work as a new mom after maternity leave is an exciting and scary experience, but don't let these feelings overwhelm you. 

Returning to work as a new mom after maternity leave is both an exciting and scary experience. Fret not, it is a common feeling, so don’t let the fear overwhelm you.

Becoming a mother is an incredibly beautiful experience; it’s like falling in love all over again. That little human being captures your heart, becoming your top priority.

However, parenthood brings about significant changes in your life — emotions, daily routine, physical state, and overall lifestyle. You find yourself flooded with various emotions simultaneously: fear, love, exhaustion, sadness, and joy.

The weight of this new responsibility can be overwhelming. But with time, things start to settle down, and you adapt to the hustle and bustle of parenthood.

Returning to work as a new mom after maternity leave

The real challenge arises when, at the six-month mark, your maternity leave comes to an end, and you must return to work, entrusting your precious one to a nanny, grandparents, or daycare. It’s an emotionally trying experience.

You want to maintain your career, but also long to be with your baby. Your body is still recovering from childbirth, and sleep is a luxury you can’t afford. Balancing all these demands can be perplexing and exhausting, but rest assured, it does get better with time.

Hence, don’t lose hope.

The guilt factor

Mom guilt is a common struggle for women returning to work after giving birth. Some feel guilty about pursuing a career, while others experience guilt for leaving their jobs to become stay-at-home moms. Choosing between these two loves is a difficult decision.

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Society often exacerbates these feelings of guilt. If you opt to work, you might face judgment for leaving your baby at daycare, as people lament that your child won’t have their mother around all day. If you decide to be a stay-at-home mom, you may encounter disapproval for letting your career go.

It can seem like a no-win situation.

Feeling guilty at work is a reality. When you rejoin the workforce after maternity leave, you may find that many things have changed in your absence. Your passion remains the same, but you’re not the same person you were before childbirth.

While staying late at work was acceptable then, you now realize that you have to return to your baby waiting at home. If you’re fortunate, your boss will understand your need to leave on time. However, colleagues may sometimes criticize you for it.

At times, you’ll need to rush home because your baby needs your soothing presence. You might require more time off than before, leading to guilt, both at work and for not being available for your baby.

Juggling between responsibilities

Balancing the roles of a mother and a working woman can be incredibly challenging, and at times, it may feel like you’re losing your sanity. Managing household chores, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, spending quality time with your baby and spouse — it’s a lot to handle.

It’s crucial to have strong support at home. Communicate with your house help, explaining that you require her assistance now more than ever, given that you’re re-entering the workforce after becoming a mother and have limited time for everything.

Discuss with your husband that he should also be available for the baby because there will be times when you can’t step away from work. Seek help from grandparents or consider hiring a caregiver. Having family support can be invaluable.

With adequate support, things can fall into place, although it may take some time to adjust to your new schedule.

Take breaks

Don’t forget to take breaks and have some time for yourself.

Balancing family, a baby, and a job is a substantial responsibility, but your health, peace, and happiness matter significantly. A contented mother leads to a contented baby. Ensure you don’t compromise on your well-being.

In conclusion, remember that it’s your life, so the decision to work or take a break should be yours. Whatever you choose, it will work out, but give it time and trust your instincts.

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Image source: CanvaPro

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