Should I Practice Yoga During Periods?

This International Yoga Day, we dispel the myth of "no yoga during periods" myth! Yes, we can practice on yoga during menstruating days!

This International Yoga Day, we dispel the myth of “no yoga during periods” myth! Yes, we can practice during menstruating days!

Yoga, is popular, and widely recognized as a physical activity that boosts mental wellness which heals our souls. I am not a yoga fanatic, but I practice light yoga to maintain good posture and keep back pains away!

However, there is one common question that arises, should we do yoga during our periods?

In this article, we will delve into the topic and dispel the myths surrounding menstruators practising yoga while on their periods, shedding light on the benefits of yoga and precautions to consider.

Understanding the “no yoga during periods” myth

There are many myths about our bodies, especially silly myths and misinformation attached to our bodies and the wretched period cycle, and partaking in yoga practice.

One such myth is that inversions or poses where the pelvis is higher than the head should be avoided. Followed by the belief that physical activity during menstruation can lead to a reversed menstrual flow or even infertility!

These notions lack scientific backing or evidence! Actually, yoga can provide multiple benefits during the time of periods; including— pain relief, reduction of stress and keeping hormones in check!

Benefits of yoga during periods

The time of menstruation is discomforting and can spoil our mood! Yoga can be a useful tool in easing our period discomfort. Gentle stretching and relaxing poses like the child’s pose, cat-cow and forward bends can alleviate period cramps and reduce back pains.

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On top of it, deep breathing and relaxation can reduce stress levels and controls mood swings encouraged by hormonal fluctuations.

Precautions and Modifications

Yoga is beneficial, but the key element here is listening and respecting your body. Adjustments and accommodations need to be made.

Some of us experience severe pain, excessive bleeding and extreme discomfort, before you do your yoga stretches it is best to consult a doctor if you are feeling doubtful or experience uneasiness post-workout.

Also, always remember that everyone’s body is unique, so modifications may be necessary based on individual needs.

We can opt for a gentler yoga practice during menstruation, focusing on restorative poses, mindful breathing, and meditation. Avoiding intense and strenuous poses that exert excessive pressure on the abdomen is recommended.

Instead, emphasizing postures that support the lower back and provide relaxation can be highly beneficial.


We can confidently embrace yoga during periods, and dispel the myth discouraging physical activity during this time! Engaging in mindful yoga practice will promote overall well-being.

Understanding how bodies function, and their needs, and paying attention to experiences and comparing them is the best way to gain the maximum empowering benefits of yoga throughout your period cycle.

Incorporating yoga into one’s routine during this period is a personal choice, and individual experiences may vary.

However, with the guidance of qualified yoga instructors and proper awareness of one’s body, we can safely continue our yoga practice and reap the rewards it offers, fostering a deeper connection between mind, body, and spirit.

Image source: CanvaPro

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Aritra Paul

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