6 Best Yoga Poses To Get Freedom From Irregular Periods & Menstrual Pain

Suffer from irregular & painful periods? Try doing some yoga for period pain. Here are 6 of the best yoga poses that can help you have a pain free period.

Suffer from irregular & painful periods? Try doing some yoga for period pain. Here are 6 of the best yoga poses that can help you have a pain free period.

Those days of the months are the stuff of nightmares for many young ladies; the excruciating pain, cramping, bloating and the bleeding. The problem gets even more serious when there are irregular and heavy periods. Naturally, women would never want to pass through that phase again and again … surely, something can be done about it?

Medical help

First, rule out conditions that can cause painful periods, like endometriosis. This needs proper treatment.

But what do you do if there is no underlying condition that leads to your suffering? What do you do?

Yoga for period pain

Menstruation cannot be stopped, but we can at least control the pain and suffering, and that too through an easy and natural way, Yoga for period pain.

The combination of the yoga asana, breathing techniques and meditation can considerably reduce stress. Some of the best asanas that you can do are Surya Namaskar, Eka Padasan Shrisasan, Natarajasana, and others. These asanas open the energy channels and psychic centers while improving the blood circulation and oxygenation; these release the blocked energy and reduce the stress level.

With Yoga for period pain, reproductive organs are stimulated, the body & mind get relaxed, and there is a complete regulation of the metabolism & hormones. Do just a few minutes of yoga each day. You will never complain of the pains during menstrual days.

The following asanas are the best to get freedom from pains and menstrual problems.

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Image source: pixabay

It is a very famous yoga pose and is also the best exercise for those who are suffering from a stomach disorder, spinal cord trouble, back pain, obesity or respiratory disorder.


Image source: By lululemon athletica (Flickr: monthly challenge) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

It is a most impactful yoga pose which makes the abdominal muscles strong and stimulates the reproductive organs. It gives relief from the constipation problems, and helps women control their irritability and boost overall health.

Janu Shirshasana

Image source: YouTube


It is one-legged forward bend that gives massage to the abdominal organs and can make you stress-free from any pain or suffering.


Image source: YouTube


This camel pose provides complete stretch and opens the front portion of the body giving great relief to the lower backache and control menstrual discomfort.


Image source: Flickr, for representational purposes only


It is a backbend pose that provides stretch to the belly muscles. It also gives instant relief from the menstrual pain.

Surya Namaskar

Image source: By Nsanjay.yadav (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Surya Namaskar is the best asana to do preferably early morning. No other asana can be compared to the Surya Namaskar. It is a combination of 12 asanas which is done in sequence. Do not miss doing it, you would gain magical benefits.

So, ladies, this yoga for period pain is for you, and you should do it. There are many more yoga poses which are equally beneficial so adopt yoga in life and see the difference.

Header image source: Biswarup Ganguly [GFDL or CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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About the Author

Sunita Choudhary

Destined to weave magic with her words, Sunita Choudhary has been wooing people with her insightful stories, experiences by way of her work. Yoga is her only religion and she keeps her practice lively by read more...

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