10 Silly Myths About Women’s Health That Need To Be Debunked

Check out the top 10 myths about women's health and how they prevent women from making healthy choices for their bodies.

As women, we have all grown up getting a lot of health advice regarding our menstrual cycle, reproductive system, and general health. Advice, like washing your hands regularly, not overeating junk food etc., are helpful and are things we must follow our entire lives. However, plenty of unwarranted advice, including myths about women’s health, has also made its way to us.

Things like don’t touch pickle while you are on your periods, don’t step out with your hair wet, etc., were standard advice.

When such things are told to you repeatedly, they become deeply ingrained in your subconscious, and you start thinking of them as the actual truth. However, it’s high time we bust some of these women’s health myths.

Often women tend to make incorrect health choices as they are led astray by family members and by the misinformation portrayed as health facts in magazines, television shows and websites.

Sometimes, even our doctors may steer us in the wrong direction. This article lists the top ten myths about women’s health that have made many women make poor health choices. Read on to know them.

Women’s health myths on diseases

  • Myth 1: Bras can cause breast cancer

Has your friend, aunt or mom told you not to wear bras as they can cause breast cancer?

I have heard this and believed it until recently when I read a research paper that said that there is no scientific evidence to prove this myth. Any observed relationship between bras and breast cancer is most likely due to other factors.

Women who are overweight or consume a lot of alcohol are at greater risk of developing breast cancer.

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Hence, to reduce your chances of getting breast cancer, it’s best to maintain a healthy weight and avoid alcohol.

To detect breast cancer early and to prevent it from spreading, getting mammograms done every year after you turn 45 is recommended.

  • Myth2: You don’t have to worry about heart disease if you are a woman

You have probably heard that women are less susceptible to heart diseases than their male counterparts. Unfortunately, this is a widely prevalent women’s health myth.

Research has pointed out that heart disease can be the number one cause of death in women. Type 2 diabetes, obesity and hypertension can make them more prone to heart disease.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can reduce your chances of getting a heart condition. Also, monitor your blood pressure and glucose levels regularly to keep diabetes in check.

  • Myth 3: Cranberry juice cures UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

I have consumed gallons of cranberry juice, thinking it would help me get rid of my UTI. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. Unfortunately, studies point out that this juice doesn’t cure UTI bacterial infections that result in burning sensations during urination and back and pelvis pain.

Even though cranberry juice has an ingredient that can help prevent the bacteria from causing infection, there isn’t sufficient quantity to treat it.

If you suffer from frequent UTIs, seek medical attention immediately so your doctor can prescribe medications and suggest treatment that can bring down the chances of you getting it.

Myths about women’s health on pregnancy

  • Myth 4: It’s harder to get pregnant after 35

If you are worried that you have turned 35 and are still not pregnant, then don’t. The statement that fertility plummets once you reach 35 is a myth.

While fertility declines with age, several studies have pointed out that women aged 35 and up can easily conceive.

  • Myth 5: Some foods like soya and yam help women get pregnant

Not being able to get pregnant can be an overwhelming and anxiety-ridden phase. Unfortunately, foods like pumpkin seeds, soya, chocolates, gojo berries or others can’t help you conceive.

If you are trying to get pregnant, it’s best to consult your gynaecologist, who will perform a series of tests and determine if you need medication or hormone therapy that can help you conceive easily.

  • Myth 6: You can’t conceive while on your period.

You may think it’s fine to have unprotected sex while you are on your period and there is no possibility of getting pregnant.

But be cautious; this is just another popular women’s health myth. Sperm can stay alive for about five days in your body.

Hence, there is a chance it can reach your egg while ovulating once your period is over. This rarely happens, but it’s not impossible.

Women’s health myths on new moms

  • Myth 7: I don’t feel happy after giving birth to my baby. Does that make me a bad mom?

After giving birth, you may feel low and moody and cry at the drop of a hat. You wonder what’s happening to you and whether you are a terrible mom for not enjoying every moment with your little one.

Stop worrying; what you are experiencing is normal.

The hormonal fluctuations, sleepless nights, and clockwork-like feeding schedule cause nearly three in every four women to experience post-partum depression.

If your depression lasts over a few weeks or worsens, consult your gynaecologist.

  • Myth 8: New moms should rest for a month after giving birth.

Different cultures have different practices for moms all over the world. In India, women must stay home for nearly 40 days after birth. During this period, a mother must take complete rest and do minimum work.

But does a new mom need to be confined at home for such a long period? After giving birth, most new moms need at least a few days of complete rest.

But the mother needs to get out of bed and move around as soon as possible. The movement will prevent the formation of dangerous blood clots.

Myths about old-age and women

  • Myth 9: Weight gain is inevitable after menopause

Menopause does not feel the same for every woman, and not everyone will notice weight gain after menopause. Even for those who do, it’s not the menopause and hormonal changes that are to blame.

It’s a sign that you need to pay closer attention to your portion sizes and increase your physical activity levels.

  • Myth 10: Your sex drive decreases as you get older

Old age does not equate to boring sex life as it is usually believed by many.

While menopause can bring about a change in your sex drive, several studies indicate greater sexual satisfaction experienced by older women post-menopause.


Women need to be equipped with the correct information to make healthy choices for their bodies. However, we often get advice that could do more harm than good.

Through this article, we have tried to bust some of the most widespread women’s health myths we hear in the media and from the people we talk to.

Living a healthy life is not so difficult as long as we follow the basics of eating healthy, avoiding smoking and getting regular health check-ups done.

Image source: mir0382 via pexels, instaphotos free on CanvaPro

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About the Author

Anjali Paul

I am a mom who works from home and dabbles with writing when time permits.An avid reader since childhood, blogging and writing helps me de-stress.My five year old keeps me on my read more...

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