Can You Guess Which Parent It Was? Mom Or Dad?

If you really take the trouble to understand any kind of work at home, men can do it as well as women. It's 'our' work. Not 'her' work.

It was time to go to the hospital to relieve the other parent who was sitting with their teen son, who had undergone a minor knee surgery.

The leftover rice was quickly converted into sumptuous jeera rice and the leftover chicken curry heated. Browsing quickly through the fridge, all the unwanted stuff was either utilised or thrown away.

“Need to hurry up now, it’s getting late,” thought the parent in a rush to head out. The daughter in the other room was asked whether she was hungry and she said, “I will reheat the food and eat it later, don’t worry.”

Packing the son’s toothbrush and paste and some other essentials, the parent hurriedly went downstairs to catch an auto and head to the hospital where the son was admitted for a minor surgery.

The parent in the hospital

The parent in the hospital with the son saw him gleefully chatting with his friends, and felt a sense of relief that he seemed alright.

The medical claim issues were settled; the doctor was messaged who gave an update on the son’s health status post surgery. A quick call was made to the physiotherapist and everything coordinated.

Soon, there was a call on the phone. “Come down, I have reached and kept the auto in waiting. You can return by the same auto. I have kept some jeera rice and curry for you both at home. Eat that.”

Who defines gender roles anyway?

Roles were reversed and the parent who was in the hospital went back home to the other child and the parent who was at home came to be with the son. The father went to the son in the hospital and mother went back to the daughter at home.

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The father and mother can manage both; home and the outside world.  There is no gender allocation for any chore. People who say that men or women can’t do certain things or say “usse nahin hoga” (he/ she can’t do it) should realise that both men and women can learn the same skills easily.  Nothing is difficult.

After all, it’s not his work or her work; it’s our work.

Image source: shutterstock

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About the Author

Ritwika Roy Mutsuddi

I am a travel expert by profession and an avid blogger by passion. Parenting and women's issues are something that are close to my heart and I blog a lot about them. read more...

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