Too Early? No, I’ve Never Regretted That I Had A Baby Immediately After Getting Married!

Women always have to justify their choices. I wonder why? We should strive towards living a guilt-free life with no regrets.

Women always have to justify their choices. I wonder why? We should strive towards living a guilt-free life with no regrets.

I was a very good student, always a topper in the class, a good daughter, a “good girl”. I wanted to become a doctor but somehow circumstances didn’t favour my dream. I did my Masters in Biochemistry and being from a small town didn’t have many options or resources. But I was happy in whatever I was doing.

By the age of 25, I was ready for marriage. Fortunately, I met a great life partner in an arranged marriage setup, and there began my journey in aamchi Mumbai with my then 29-year-old young husband.

People didn’t believe, still don’t believe, that we gelled so well despite being in an arranged marriage setup.

A mother, ‘too soon’?

Within 2 months of our marriage, we were expecting our first child. People remarked that our honeymoon period wasn’t over yet, some talked about my career, some about the big change in life and so on. But I and my husband were happy despite being young, inexperienced, limited money and with no support around.

Those were the days when Internet wasn’t so prevalent and Facebook or other parenting communities weren’t around. But when you have a supportive and great partner who keeps you happy, nothing else matters.

On December 23rd, we had our sonny boy in our arms. In the starting of the year, in February I became a wife, and by the end of the year I was a mother. I had 2 lovely boys in my life in the same year. Never ever in my life have I regretted having my first child so early. I raised him with a lot of love and never felt that I had sacrificed anything.

Working from home

I was never a very ambitious woman. I found happiness and contentment in small things. I didn’t have a check-list of qualities for a man to whom I would get married to. I never had a to-do list in life. I have always gone with the flow, always taken each day as it comes. Five years into marriage, I had my second child. So, you can say the first decade went in raising the kids.

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I have always worked from home. It has been tough but I managed. Of course, my husband has been a big support. I have had the good fortune of dabbling into various options. I started penning down my motherhood experiences in various platforms and that’s how my blogging journey began.

Today, I work as an international holiday expert with India’s leading travel portal and continue to write too.

Motherhood helped

Motherhood has given me strength, patience and taught me a lot. Today, my kids are relatively grown up and I am still not that old. They encourage me to pursue my passion and dreams. I literally grew up with them. My children are my buddies now.

As I read somewhere, “Nobody who ever gave his best, regretted it.” For me, becoming mother early has been the best decision of my life and I have never regretted or lamented it.

Image source: unsplash

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About the Author

Ritwika Roy Mutsuddi

I am a travel expert by profession and an avid blogger by passion. Parenting and women's issues are something that are close to my heart and I blog a lot about them. read more...

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