As I Grow Into Middle Age, I’ve Begun To Love Some Things I Hated Earlier! What About You?

Ageing has always been something that people have dreaded, but this author speaks of beginning to love things that she had detested as a young person!

Ageing has always been something that people have dreaded, but this author speaks of beginning to love things that she had detested as a young person!

As I entered the middle age, I started feeling more blessed. Touchwood!

I remember a few years back, in my late twenties, I used to dread middle age. I wanted to achieve everything before it was too late for me. More importantly I wanted to show to the world that I was no less. I wanted to prove myself while flaunting my capabilities and achievements.

I didn’t realise that life was not about having everything in a year or two. It’s a process. It’s about evolving, learning and experiencing. It’s about a lot to do, a lot to feel happy and satisfied about. It’s about learning too!

These days, I think about the things I used to hate or fear when I was in my twenties or even when I was younger. As I grew, I realised that all the things that were disgusting to me or even things that didn’t matter are now the things that I love doing.

I am sure everyone entering their middle ages will undergo a similar transition and find several changes that are shocking and new to them. I know, because I found several of them in myself. I am enjoying and loving these changes. 

Other than this, there are three things that I am just a surprised about especially after having entered my middle ages. 

A check on needs, wants, and buying

I used to be annoyed with my parents, who I used to feel were controlling and checking our demands and what we bought. Not that I ever was a spend-thrift but there were times when I spent under peer pressure and sometimes when I spent on some new fashion trends. We all have several items that we have bought and dumped them in our closets. 

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But now I can proudly say that I am in control of these ‘needs’ of mine. Fashion, styles and peer pressure don’t bother me anymore. I love dressing in the most comfortable manner which is also what helps me look graceful. At the same time, I am completely fine with using the things I already have with just a little bit of fine tuning, which helps me justify the money I spent on it.

I spend only and only when I genuinely want to buy something; nothing in the world can now allure me into shopping senselessly. 

It was rather funny when I recently read he quote ‘The richest person on this earth is the one who doesn’t need anything’ because I could somewhat relate to it. Not that I don’t need anything but I still feel rich enough, in that sense.  

Cleaning the kitchen before sleeping 

I remember being cranky about washing the dishes before I went to bed at night. I despised it when my mother advocated this practice because I always thought that it could be done the next day. Since we never had a house help to clean the dishes, I believed that my mother was under pressure to ensure that the job was done before bed. This was something I never liked. 

However, I did do it after my mother forced me to. But growing up, as a responsible woman, I have realised that waking up each day with a clean kitchen makes a person feel positive. 

A sink full of dirty utensils immediately lowers your enthusiasm as you wake up in the morning. At the same time, seeing a pristine, clean kitchen does wonders to your mood at the beginning of the day. 

Personally, I enjoy keeping the sink clean even with very few utensils in it and I love to see the kitchen clean and all set for the next meal to be cooked in. 

Including Yoga for fitness 

Yoga! Oh Yoga!

I was never the kind who would look at yoga for fitness. I always wondered how can anyone work in such a slow motion. For me, exercising was all about speed and the rigorousness of the workouts. So how anyone could close their eyes for such a long time while meditating or doing pranayam was something that baffled me. 

‘Terrible’ was the word I always used for yoga. However, after having entered this beautiful age bracket and having given yoga a shot, I love meditating and performing asnas and I also love spending my time doing breathing exercises. 

Yoga gives me immense pleasure and I find it to have helped me clarify my thoughts. It has helped me respect each and every part of my body while also accepting it the way is is. 

Since having started yoga, gymming, to me, is like racing against the world while yoga is more about acceptance, surrender and going with the flow, which I believe is beautiful. 

The question arises again, ‘does ageing have to mean loving things you hated earlier?’ Well, I think that every age bracket has its own beauty and I am personally elated to have reached this time in my life. I love experiencing this beautiful transition. 

To all the women out there, who are reading this, please look back and think of all the shocking yet beautiful changes you see in yourself. Look for changes that, in your middle age, make you feel nice about them. 

Relish these changes and enjoy this journey of ageing gracefully!

Picture credits: Shutterstock

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Ruchi is a new person who has dared to break all walls of monotony in life, a dreamer, a learner and likes to derive inspiration in all situations she is into. Recently plunged into a read more...

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