“Thank God! I Don’t Have A Son!” Why Must Any Parent Say This?

If we have to eliminate gender differences, we need to begin early, with our children, and raise our boys and girls without differentiating between them.

If we have to eliminate gender differences, we need to begin early, with our children, and raise our boys and girls without differentiating between them. 

In this male-child crazed society of ours, we need to work on gender equality where girls should be welcomed and treated at par with the boys. But often I come across posts like “Girls are the best” or moms commenting “Thank God! I don’t have a son!”  

Sons are not born the way they are as adults from the mother’s womb. They shape up the way they are raised.

We need to raise our children well, irrespective of the gender. Impart same values to both. Teach both the genders equality, compassion, respecting others’ choice, have integrity, confidence, have courage to pursue their dreams, have the guts to stand with the right and oppose the wrong, respect each and every human irrespective of caste, creed, religion, social status or gender.

Not all boys are perpetrators and not all girls are angels. There are all kinds in both the genders. Both will become responsible citizens in the future.

I cannot ask my son not to cry and ask my daughter to be rude to all the boys. That again is gender disparity. I cannot teach my son to judge a girl on her dress and habits, similarly I cannot teach my daughter to hate all the males.

I am happy and proud that my teenager son respects women and believes in gender equality. I would also be equally happy when my daughter in her teenage doesn’t judge the entire male species. She has seen good examples in her father and brother.

Let’s stop being biased about any one particular gender and raise both well.

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Published here earlier.

Image source: flickr, for representational purposes only.


About the Author

Ritwika Roy Mutsuddi

I am a travel expert by profession and an avid blogger by passion. Parenting and women's issues are something that are close to my heart and I blog a lot about them. read more...

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