Wedding Or Wasting? Is Your Dream Wedding Really Worth The Waste?

The dream wedding – that grand affair that is spoken about for a long time afterward. Is this what we really want? Maybe the money can be used better elsewhere?

The dream wedding – that grand affair that is spoken about for a long time afterward. Is this what we really want? Maybe the money can be used better elsewhere?

I don’t understand the idea of spending our parents’ money on one grand wedding. Yes. Some of us want that one grand wedding with a gathering of a thousand people, bright lights and atmosphere. We assume that a perfect wedding would be the one with world class decor, the best caterer, a DJ especially called from Delhi or Mumbai, a famous city based photographer, and of course the bridal outfit itself worth a lakh.

Should I call this a pompous wedding or merely a show off? There are people who get married in a temple. There are people who keep it simple and low profile. There are people who get married in court. What do you think? That they don’t have enough money to spend? That they don’t have dreams?

Yes, they do have money and they do have big dreams as well. The only difference is that they want to spend their money on something worthwhile, and they have dreams which are bigger and more significant than this.

Nowadays, the age of getting married is 28 or 29. By that time, our parents turn 55 or 60. Don’t you feel it is the time for them to loosen up? They do get retirement for sure, but is it fair for a grown up son/daughter to expect the parents to put energy and money into their one dream of having a lavish wedding?

I have seen girls spending lakhs and lakhs on the bridal outfit which is just packed in the suitcase forever after the wedding. I have seen parents going places and places to invite people. Must be a tiring job. After all, 1000 people are on your list.

Let’s talk about the groom who comes with his family, treated like a king. His entry is expected to be as grand as any Salman Khan movie – in our country, especially the north, he comes in like a prince, sitting on a horse. I strongly feel this should be banned. Since when we all have become so inhuman? It is torture for the horse – he is dressed like a showpiece, and made to walk for a long distance with loud music and fireworks. Do you know that the sound of deafening music and fireworks can make him deaf?

WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE? Please at least spare animals.

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I don’t understand that one uncle in the barat with weird dance moves. He loves to throw money in the air. Sir, if you really wish to spend money, then please donate it to some place where people know the real value of money and will have some use of it.

The best part comes later.

In the end, when the wedding is over, after so many days or months, your parents hear out of nowhere that something was missing in the wedding. Or Mr. Sharma you could have done much better than this.

As a daughter, do you feel your parents deserve to listen to this after that pricey wedding of yours? As the groom, do you feel you should expect your bride’s parents to pay for all this waste? I am speaking of the reality in this country, where the bride’s parents still have to bear most expenses.

Parents have always been giving. They spend their time and money on you, fulfil your dreams. They want to see you happy. Mothers give up their dreams for their children. Dads come home after a hectic day and still take the time to have fun with you.

Plan a trip for them. Take out them for dinners and movies. Spend quality time with them. Let them have their own time. Let them be relaxed. Let’s not trouble them with our vague and grandiose wishes.

A wedding is a simple and sweet ritual between two people and two families. It can be done in any way. Some people choose the simple way and yet they are happy. We don’t have to show off our happiness to the world.

I think money spent on needy children is better than money spent on some lehenga (bridal outfit). I think money in bank is much better than money spent on expensive gifts.

Rest is up to you. I have made up my mind. I hope you do too.

Image source: shutterstock.


About the Author

Hanisha Kapoor

Love to read crazy new stuff. What I love more is to write. And in between, I just chill. read more...

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