Woman At Work: Do You Wonder How I Got That Promotion?

Being a woman at work has its own challenges; from perceptions to promotions, and assumptions to acceptance. This post questions some myths that exist.

Being a woman at work has its own challenges; from perceptions to promotions, and assumptions to acceptance. This post questions some myths that exist.
If you have the habit of passing sexist remarks on women, please stop it. I know you’re not my enemy; and I know you do this unintentionally. You could be my brother, husband, best-friend, boy-friend or just colleague.
Read this small note to find out how often we judge women at work by everything, but work.
I am not a woman when I enter my office premises; I am just an individual who is capable of anything as you are. I make every bit of effort at work like you do, and I deserve equal recognition, and I feel proud about myself at the end of the day as you do.
In my last project, I received a warm response on my work from a client who was otherwise quite unhappy with our team’s work. One of my colleagues congratulated me with remarks that clients are generally cool/easy/happy with women employees in the project. So, my dear friend, if that’s true, does the client no longer want his work to be done, and does he feel happy to just have some amusing conversations with women at the cost of a highly paid critical project?
Let me tell you a secret. Contrary to all the perceptions in the world, I got that promotion, not because I am a woman. The bitter truth is, I have been denied that promotion for a long time, specially for the fact I am a woman; for the fact they believed I would not be able to take this responsibility on; for the fact that they knew I would most probably leave the job as soon as I get married (which they think could happen any fine day); for the fact that they thought I would cry and beg if I am loaded with work; and so on. But guess what, I proved them wrong, and I got that promotion because they could not find anyone better.
And ironically there are no policies in most firms that address the issues that women face every month due to biological differences.
We all know that quality of work is something that cannot be compromised under any circumstance. So, I wonder why being a woman would give an edge over others at the cost of quality?
Do women get some extra perks to compensate for their supposed incompetencies – like extra leaves for ‘those’ days of month, fewer working hours, less responsibilities, or more space for mood swings because of hormonal changes? I guess, they don’t. And ironically there are no policies in most firms that address the issues that women face every month due to biological differences.
So, when all working conditions remain the same for men and women, I am sure, the latter ought to offer equal at work, and park their womanhood outside the office premises for their survival.
Please don’t judge us at work by how we look; how we cross our legs in meetings; how we laugh; how we walk; how we talk; and so on. We would be happy if you judge us at work, if at all you have to, by our work, solely!
For those of us who are judgmental with woman co-workers, I hope this small note will help in refreshing a few facts. Facts that remain unsaid in the corporate world, but are true and prevalent at all levels.
Thanks for reading. Please comment here to express your feedback, differing opinion, suggestion, or consent. Your comments are important for every woman who is reading it!
This post has been previously published at the author’s blog.


About the Author

Swati Agarwal

I am an odd bird!

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