A Workplace Friendship That Begun Badly But Became A Good One

Many of us have friends in the workplace, but you can not define them as mere friends. Sometimes, the relationship that you treasure may end up being a special friend.

Have you wondered if that friend is not there how your life will turn out to be. I had one such special friend. A friend who helps you when you are in trouble, a friend who insults, who will teach, criticize, and make sure that you are learning from mistakes. One such striking incident happened in my life when I met a friend in my workplace.

Now that we don’t see each other, all I can do is cherish her reminiscence and relieve those moments through my writing.

By the grace of God, I delivered a baby girl at 9.00 am. She came into the world in the year 2005 when I was rushed to the hospital by my office colleagues.

After hearing the good news, my relatives and my friends far and near texted messages. Some of them came to see me. I got a surprise visit the next day from my office colleagues who gifted me with flowers, chocolates and gifts. It was the most happiest day in my life. I never imagined or thought of my colleagues visiting me.

Before I signed my maternity leave, the accountant and the operations manager of the company introduced a new colleague who will be assigned to do my work when I go on leave. I agreed to do whatever help she needs and signed for maternity leave as per the government law.

Almost every day, I got a call from my team members asking how to solve the day to day problems in the office. I replied and managed to help them and gave access to all the old files for reference.

Just when my baby started to adjust with my routine, maternity leave was over. I felt sad to leave my baby with my in-laws. I can’t imagine going back to work the next day. The adjustment was going to be stressful for me and my baby, too.

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The next day, I packed my lunch, ironed my clothes, kept breakfast ready, and also made sure that the baby slept peacefully before I left to work.

As I reached the office, my colleagues were happy to see me except one lady who was sitting at my desk. She gave a frown look and told she would not get up from my seat. I was shocked by her behavior. She told me that she was assigned to do my job and I had no option but to listen to her. She even told me the assignment was done by herself without anyone to help her when I was on leave. She yelled at me and told me to stay at home. I was perplexed and was unable to reply to all the sarcastic remarks and anger she spewed on me.

From her anger, I understood she was not happy doing my job. She wanted to continue working in that organization but was worried about losing the job. Poor lady, she must have had a tough time with the management and with the team members! I could easily imagine her state of mind as it was just a contract job! After this contract, she had to leave, and she would have to start job hunting. Probably, someone else did my job when I was on leave and took the credit. I thought to myself and didn’t discuss this with anyone.

I quietly went to the HR department to inform the rude behavior, but I didn’t say a word. Even though I was angry with what she told, I kept a cool composure. I told them that she could be a part of our team. But for the company, employing her in our department was too early at that stage. They shifted her to another department and gave her a different position. Days and months passed by, and she hardly spoke to me.

But one fine day, we have become not only good friends but we constantly motivated each other and tried to solve many office issues together. After five years, we both started sharing all our family problems, too. My daughter almost started going to school. My friend was struggling to conceive a child.
I told her that I would pray for her to have a baby. She happily agreed, and I also suggested that she should consult the gynecologist who treated me.

She found out the reason and started to take medicine with a proper diet. Some days, she was moody and depressed but I still gave her hope.

The very next year, she became pregnant and thanked me for all the prayers. She decided to resign from her job as it was difficult for her to commute to the office every day. Life took us both in different directions, and we became busy with our lives.

One morning, when I was sipping coffee and browsing through e-mails. I got a friend request in FB. Surprisingly, I saw her photo with a 3 year old girl in her hand. She happily shared her moments with me.

Today, I still miss her, though we are ocassionally sending messages, I still cherish those wonderful memories we shared together at the workplace. Wherever she is, may God bless her and the child she once dreamt of.


About the Author

Erin Paul

A post graduate with certificaton in Content writing and Journalism. Fascinated in the world of inspirational and motivational books, a galaxy of knowledge out there inspired me into an avid reader since childhood. It gave read more...

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