We’re Celebrating The Rainbow At The Workplace ‘Coz Real Inclusion Matters… What’s Your Story?

Here at Women’s Web, we know that real inclusion matters, and we walk the talk. With inclusive workplace policies, in the content we publish throughout the year, and our community.

So Celebrating Pride for us is more than just adopting rainbow filters for Pride Month, it is standing up for the community and their rights too!

What is #CelebratingTheRainbow?

#CelebratingTheRainbow means acknowledging that we are different and unique in our own way. Our gender identity or sexual orientation does not determine the person we are, or the opportunities we get. But, are our workplaces inclusive?

This Pride Month we want to amplify real voices from the LGBTQ community in India – something we do throughout the year but with special focus on in this month. Through your stories – fiction or nonfiction, we want to make the broader audience aware of just how real workplace discrimination is, and why we need more vocal and consistent allies from people beyond the community too.

We want to know your story!

Have you faced discrimination at the workplace for your identity as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community or know someone who has?

Do you stand up as an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community and use your words to amplify the voice of the community? Do you make space for the community to speak up for themselves?

On the other hand, do you have a heartwarming, positive story of inclusion at your workplace?

Whatever your story is, share it with us this Pride Month and #CelebrateTheRainbow. You can choose to use your name or remain anonymous, as is comfortable for you.

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Here’s what you have to do:

Your story can be in fiction form or a personal, non-fiction narrative.

Submit your story on your author dashboard. If you aren’t yet an author with us, it is easy to sign up here.

When you submit, do not forget to put the hashtag #CelebrateTheRainbow alongside your title.

Why should you do this?

At Women’s Web, we believe that this is YOUR SPACE to speak of your reality. YOU get to choose your story and tell it to others. A safe space to have your say about what you would like to be different in your work environment – since YOU get to choose the name and identity you want to present to the world, even choosing to be anonymous if that’s what you want, and yet have your voice heard.

And of course, it helps, always, that there’s chocolate.

Artísanté are #CelebratingTheRainbow with us this year, so the first 10 submissions to be selected by our editors as featured entries will get a gift coupon of Rs. 1,000 each from Artísanté. And even if your story isn’t picked, you can get a FLAT 20% discount on purchasing from Artísanté at this link: Use discount code PRIDE20.

Some important rules

1. This should be a previously unpublished story.

2. Once published on Women’s Web, you may not publish it in whole elsewhere, except for an excerpt with a link back to us. They will remain exclusive to us.

Is there a deadline?

Send in your stories by Sunday, 18th June, 11.59 PM. The earlier you send your story, the better.

We will be featuring your stories all through June.

Send In your stories today!

Women’s Web now uses technology for publishing support, to help our community see their work up faster. Hence, a number of posts will get accepted and published right away as community posts, while a few others will go through some additional checks by editors.

Whichever the case is, editors are looking at all your submissions, and only those picked by editors from these will be featured.

We look forward to your stories of workplace discrimination and how you dealt with it, or stories that speak of #realinclusionmatters that supported you. With these, we’re #CelebratingTheRainbow at your workplace.

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About the Author

Sandhya Renukamba

In her role as the Senior Editor & Community Manager at Women's Web, Sandhya Renukamba is fortunate to associate every day with a whole lot of smart and fabulous writers and readers. A doctor read more...

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