Life Refuses To Stop, Neither For Grief Nor Happiness!

We carry these experiences in the form of memories throughout our lifetime, as these experiences become beautiful memories or lessons that drive us through our journey.

Since our childhood, we see and experience several instances that affect our lives in some way. These experiences can be positive, negative, sad, shocking, happy and embarrassing. Everyone’s childhood is different to have, people may have varied experiences.

We carry these experiences in the form of memories throughout our lifetime, as these experiences become beautiful memories or lessons that drive us through our journey.

I may sound too philosophical here, but, just think about it, go down the memory lanes and dig; you will find some exceptional stories hidden behind the fast-paced lives we all live in.

Life of duality is confusing

I’m a person who is a mix of introvert and extrovert. Confused! Yeah, I’m an extremely extrovert person when I’m with my family, friends and loved ones. Whereas, I’m an introvert when I find myself in a new group or some new place.

This mixed nature isn’t easy for everyone to handle. So I always had a limited number of friends around me. I also have a fear of losing people, and this is another reason I don’t gel around easily. (Now that can be a problem.)

The fear of losing loved ones or close ones can be pretty normal for others, but for me, it was life-changing. I cannot handle people going away, the goodbyes, the parting and the distancing. I just can’t handle it.

How did these fears start?

So, how did it all start? It started with my best friend leaving school because her parents got transferred to a different city. At the age when we departed, things weren’t clear to us. I was clueless about what to do next, whom should I talk to, and whom should I play with.

For days, weeks and months, I kept sulking at the memories of us playing, laughing, and being together. Later, I realized that she is just in a different city where we can call each other, write emails and letters and talk for hours. Soon the feeling of missing her went away, and I started making new friends.

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At that moment I thought losing people can be right too!

One day my father vanished!

Another incident that shook me was, one day my dad suddenly vanished. Okay! Vanished here relates to his being dead. The day my father was declared dead, I realized I had lost all hope in life, faith in God and trust in all the powers that ever existed on this earth.

Losing a physical human being and digesting the fact that you can’t see them again is disgusting. Trust me! It is horrible. My life took a turn after that and it was all different. I became more silent, sometimes irritated, sometimes crazy, and most of the time I had one question, why me?

The initial years were difficult, but soon I and my family got busy with our lives and with time, the pain reduced. Today, after so many years of my dad not being with us, doesn’t make me sad or cry any more.

Life doesn’t stop for anyone

I realized life doesn’t stop for anyone. It keeps on going; you can sit and cry all day for the person who isn’t with you any more. Instead, you need to start living for the people around you.

This is what my Mom did; she lived for us, she lived for our bright future, our happiness, and our goals and still living, inspiring us in several ways she can.

The incidents were different, in both cases, I lost people, but the latter one impacted my life in several ways. What I learnt from these incidents was, people come and go, nobody is permanent, and nobody is forever.

The only constant is ‘you’

The only thing that is forever is ‘YOU’, the self you carry, the memories you make with people, the life you live, the moments you laugh together and the happiness you spread around. Life changes from dusk to dawn!

Life is short, live to the fullest, stop complaining about little things, celebrate them, save them in pictures as memories, live each day as it comes, stop expecting too much, respect others and value time.

You may not get a second chance. Not everyone is lucky!

Image source: Triloks via Getty Images, free and edited on CanvaPro

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About the Author

V Rashmi Rao

V Rashmi Rao is a Creative Content Writer and Digital Marketing expert who excels at creating exceptional content across various platforms both Print and Digital. 12+ years in the industry, she has gained immense knowledge read more...

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