End Of The Year But Not An End To Our Hopes And Dreams!

In constantly focusing on goals, we forget to love today, and ourselves. Here are some valuable reflections on a year spent with greater self-love.

The last month of the year is more than three quarters over. When we look back at the 11 months gone by, we feel some nostalgia for some good things and upset at the bad things. In those 11 months we may have done several things for our own self and may be a few for others.

Altogether a year carries emotions, memories…a reminder of what we did and a hope for new goals and dreams.

The entire year we run around trying to finish our unfinished work, attend events, go for a vacation, make some long-term and short-term goals. Basically, we are always trying to accomplish something or the other, because we know that the time is running out.

But in doing so, we forget that we are humans who need self-love and self-care. We forget to relax and celebrate ourselves, we forget to appreciate our own small achievements, we forget to pat our own back and say, “Wow! What a great job I have done.”

When we continuously care about the number of tasks done and think about the future, and our goals and dreams, we move towards burnout – our energy levels just go down to zero and there comes a moment where we aren’t at our best anymore. To stop that, we need to rejuvenate ourselves regularly and keep reminding ourselves to stop for a while, take some breaks, have some quality time with friends and family or just pamper ourselves.

Finding the ‘enough’ for yourself is necessary

Being happy for what you have, celebrating the smallest things, appreciating people and things around and celebrating your mere existence is very important. We all focus on tomorrow / the next project /a better job / higher salary / best vacation but we forget to appreciate the today / the now / the present.

Self-celebration helps in accepting, appreciating and applauding the present ‘Me’. It helps in empowering and motivating you in the very moment. This celebration belongs to you and only you, no matter where you are, how you are; and there may not be any specific reason for your celebration. It’s more about how you honour yourself.

For a person like me who strives for perfection, who needs things to be done in a timely manner within certain standards, it steals my joy on certain days. This year, to achieve more joy, I started a journey towards appreciating myself more often.

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How? Let’s read further;

  1. I have stopped loading myself with self-doubt and analysis about how people will judge me. I have decided to be true to myself and my behaviour. Let people or anyone judge how I look, what I say, what I do – I’m not going to be bothered about it.
  2. I have started working on myself more like eating right, doing exercises, mind and soul cleansing, taking more time for myself etc.
  3. Like Oprah Winfrey said, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” So working hard for your goals and appreciating the small achievements on the way will certainly help you to stay happy and you will get more reasons to celebrate.
  4. You can’t stop this process of appreciation – it’s a regular thing to be followed as a routine or a ritual. You regularly need to motivate yourself through these appreciations.
  5. You don’t always need to spend money to celebrate; you can simply pat your back, become your own cheerleader or keep reminding yourself that of how good you are in doing some things.

I’m sharing some tips that you can also follow

  1. Have your favourite drink tea/coffee/juice or any drink sitting alone at home or in your favourite cafe all by yourself. Have a Date with yourself.
  2. Take a break/day off once in a while from whatever you are doing.
  3. Celebrate every small achievement in a way that best suits you.
  4. Focus on your goals and focus on your personal growth with it.
  5. Make it a ritual of appreciating yourself everyday.
  6. Reward yourself regularly with small treats.
  7. Be grateful for whatever you have achieved till now.
  8. Respect yourself and keep motivating yourself to do more.
  9. Believe in yourself and whatever you do.
  10. Dream big, hope for the best, plan accordingly but LIVE every day, enjoy the present, be happy about the moment you are in.

Lastly, always remember, “Take a moment to celebrate yourself, how far you’ve come, where you’re going, your accomplishments, your courage and your strength. never forget, you are amazing” – some self-loving person shared this quote.

I wish the coming year brings more joy and blessings in everyone’s life and people start self-celebration just as we do with any other celebration.

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About the Author

V Rashmi Rao

V Rashmi Rao is a Creative Content Writer and Digital Marketing expert who excels at creating exceptional content across various platforms both Print and Digital. 12+ years in the industry, she has gained immense knowledge read more...

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