10 Ways How To Restart A Career After A Long Break

Are you thinking of rejoining the work force but are confused! Here are 10 ways how to restart career after long break!

Are you thinking of rejoining the workforce but are confused about where to start? Here are 10 ways how to restart a career after a long break!

A career break may be inevitable, especially for women who don so many hats in their lives. You may have taken a break with or without planning on what you’d do when you come back, or you may not have even thought about it.

Like me, when I took a career break after getting pregnant, I didn’t have any second thoughts. I had a nine-year career break. But when I decided to come back, I worked with full determination.

Many women in India still find it difficult to return to work after breaks, especially after pregnancy. It can be disheartening! Hence, the first step of rebuilding your career should be full of determination and hope!

How to restart a career after a long break?

At crossroads? Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed because of how everything looks different, and you might feel out of touch. In other moments, every new opportunity might look like a potential fresh start!

Yet you might not know where to restart your career! It happens to all of us, fret not! Here are 10 things you should do to restart.

Evaluate your skills and check for potential job opportunities

The first step to restart is by writing down your skills and mapping them with relevant job opportunities in the market. Chances are there that your skill may not match with the trends in the market at present if you have a long break as I did. But putting down the skills will make it clear to you where you stand.

Upskill yourself

When you have put down your skills, you can easily identify the gaps you have or even be clear of the skill being obsolete, or even you may not be interested in pursuing a career with it. Upskilling is the thing for you. Enrol yourself in a course or getting certified will make you confident and job ready.

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Network with like-minded people

Women hardly get time to network, especially if they have been on maternity leave and sabbatical. Your priorities may have changed, and you may not even be interested in networking! But, networking can help you connect with your prospective employers.

Connect with people via LinkedIn and attend events where industry experts participate, and reach out to people whom you think can hire you.

Update your profile on LinkedIn and apply for jobs

Update your profile with a confident headshot and your latest skills. Have your resume on your phone. Write a short, simple resume in a Word doc that is also readable by bots. (Many hirers use bots to filter resumes).

Highlight your skills and certifications. Also, have some sample work on your phone or folders that are easily accessible. So that you can quickly send it to people whom you network with.

Think beyond a 9 to 5 job

9 to 5 job is overrated. Many women don’t have the privilege to work from 9 to 5 they may have other priorities. On the other hand, part-time jobs and freelance projects are underrated. Take up gigs or projects that match your skills, which can help you restart.

Find a mentor

My mentor was one of my friends who I met via WhatsApp on a networking group, she used to guide me with the choices that I have. I also used to talk to my partner, who is always great at mentoring me. I get crystal clarity on what I should focus on with their guidance.

Take up an internship

Internships are another good option to get you back to a work schedule. Chances are there that you are finding it difficult to set and work on a schedule. Also, when you are starting, it may be difficult to find a job, but you may get to work on an internship with much less effort.

Internships can also lead to employment in that organization itself. So it’s best to do an internship to regain your confidence and fit into a schedule.

Follow your passion

If you are someone who wants to pursue a passion and make it a profession, look for inspiration around you. Check social media, some, so many people are doing this these days. Yes, following your passion may sound a cliché, but turning your hobbies and passion into a career can bring joy and financial success!

Volunteer at an organization

If you need to boost your morale, you can volunteer at startups or NGOs that need resources. Reach out to startup founders on LinkedIn, send your profile to them and initiate the conversation. You may be surprised to know how much you have been missing!

Start a small business

Easily said than done, business is not everyone’s cup of tea. If you think it is for you, don’t wait. Do your research, have a plan and start. There are so many communities that help women-led businesses with resources or help women to find out their calling.

Career breaks are not the end of any woman’s working journey, life is unpredictable and so is our career graph! We women have to be creative, and just because we have been dealt with lemons, doesn’t we have to make lemonades only, we can make lemon tarts, lemon teacake and fresh lime soda too!

So don’t overthink and send your resumes!

Image source for 10 ways on how to restart a career after a long break : Deepak Sethi, via Getty Images, free and edited on CanvaPro

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Savitha Sampath

A passionate mom, Writer @Women's Web, Digital Marketing Consultant, an avid learner, and a foodie read more...

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