Why Celebrating Women’s Day In Corporate India Is Mere Tokenism!

What is the point of giving speeches on the importance of women in the workforce on one day, when what we really need at work is unacknowledged? 

Every year, as Women’s Day comes around, I am reminded of all the gaps that need to be filled to make women find their power in the workforce.

Celebrating Women’s Day especially in corporates is tokenism max.

Getting a candle or a box of chocolates on one day of the year does not make us feel respected or equal.

What is the point of giving speeches on the importance of women in the workforce on one day, when the gender differences in needing and taking of leaves go unacknowledged?

What is the point of celebrating Women’s Day every year, when you hold back our promotion after we get married – lest we get pregnant?

We don’t want to order tea for everyone during a meeting, just because we are the only women in the room.

We don’t want to be told we are sensitive because our eyes welled up on being screamed at. Crying is not gender specific and should be absolutely normalised – even in the workplace.

Why have sexual harassment cells if they have no powers to prevent everyday casual sexism?

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To all the corporates

Here’s what women in the workforce want.

Today as I wish all the women around me a Happy Women’s Day, I also wish that women support women every day. To all the wonderful women I know, you have my support for sure!

Image source: kzenon Free for Canva Pro

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About the Author

Ashwini S Menon

Like any other writer, I am always on the lookout for those golden words that can touch people's hearts. But more often than not, I just write so that my soul can speak. Either read more...

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