Have You Ever Counted The Sheer Number Of Kind Of Crimes Against Women?

Let’s face it. Misogyny is a reality. But have we ever wondered about its origins? Where does it stem from? Is it an inherent prejudice? Bias? Male entitlement? Masculinity?

A number of recent occurrences have honestly led me to wonder at this all new low, that humanity seems to be going through. The morning newspaper or the evening news, well, suffice it to say that it can be a total nightmare.

And of course, the inhumanity, the ruthlessness, seems to be so much worse when it comes to crimes against women. It’s almost as though there is a need, a desire, to hurt, to crush, to humiliate, to silence, much, much more if the person happens to be a woman.

Disturbing, deeply disturbing.

Have counted the number of categories of crime against women?

Have you ever stopped to wonder at the sheer number of categories that crimes against women are divided into? Sexual violence, domestic violence, psychological abuse, workplace abuse, acid attacks, dowry deaths, female infanticide, rape, eve-teasing, child marriage, trafficking, harassment, and the list can go on and on.

Not a very safe place for a woman, is it, this world of ours?

Furthermore, is the distant dream of justice. That distance seems to grow manifold if the victim of a crime is a woman. Which, unfortunately, she very often is.

The origins of each of these crimes are misogyny!

Let’s face it.

Misogyny is a reality.

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But have we ever wondered about its origins? Where does it stem from? Is it an inherent prejudice? Bias? Male entitlement? Masculinity?

Or is it all a result of a patriarchy that is so deep-rooted, so inbuilt, that we just can’t seem to see it for what it is. A sick, toxic mindset that has forced us to regress beyond our own imaginations. Far beyond any semblance of basic humanity.

How dare she! Who does she think she is? She needs to be taught a lesson! She’s just a woman, after all! Only a woman!

She went out after 9 pm. She stayed out after 10 pm. Furthermore, she had a drink, maybe two. Not only that, but she wore a short skirt. She laughed too loudly, spoke too nicely, smiled like that, frowned like this!

Will they stop already?

Woman should mean: Wake, Own, Modify and Notice!

Yes, that pretty much sums up this dismal, distressing situation. A situation, an attitude, which is the result of 5 things.

Wait, Obey, Manage, Accept and Nod. Put it all together, and you get W.O.M.A.N. And truly, that’s what we women have been doing for centuries.

Now replace the previous words with new ones. Like this.

Wake, Own, Modify, Act, and Notice. It still all adds up to the same word: W.O.M.A.N. And that, is the answer. The answer that will change things, instil hope and make the world a more tolerant, diverse, accepting and equal place for all of us.

So let’s get to it, shall we?

Image source: Still from Darlings, edited on CanvaPro

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About the Author

Rrashima Swaarup Verma

Rrashima is a senior corporate analyst with over 20 years of experience in the corporate sector. She is also a prolific writer, novelist and poet and her articles, stories and poems are regularly published in read more...

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