Society Is Me & You. Let’s Be The Change We Want To See

We blame so many things on 'society'. But who is this society if not you and me? Change begins with us. Be the change you want to see.

We blame so many things on ‘society’. But who is this society if not you and me? Change begins with us. Be the change you want to see.

Our society is so judgmental, our society is this our society is that , blah blah. We always keep blaming the society for whatever incident we come across. But we often forget to realize, that we are a part of it. Society means us.

Racism? You talk about racism and oppose racism on social media. Why? Coz its cool?

But you are the same person who goes to someone’s wedding and comments on the bride or groom. “She doesn’t match him. He’s so fair. And she’s very dark”. But do you know she has the most beautiful heart unlike yours? “He’s not that good looking, Look at her, she’s so pretty” But what if he has good looks and doesn’t respect her? Doesn’t love her right? This was about color.

Next comes, ‘body shaming’. Today you keep talking about “not to do body shaming, society is responsible for all this” and you are that same person who kept teasing a mate in school “moti” or “fatso”. Due to which her self esteem became zero. She thought she isn’t beautiful because she isn’t skinny like other girls. She started taking some pills to reduce her weight and kept surfing on the internet.

You were responsible for all this.

You talk against bullying while you are the same person who bullied a mate in college for being too innocent. You called him names and harassed him.

But today when someone commits suicide, you post big big paragraphs of condolences on social media. While you are one of the person behind some or the other persons broken heart, low self esteem, emptiness and depression.

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Stop blaming ‘society’. Bring a change in yourself first. Bring a change in the way you think about others. Cause it’s quite easy to pass on the blame on, and do the same thing that you oppose just because its cool. Be the change you want to see.

Image source: Flickr, for representational purposes only

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