My Best Of Women’s Web 2011

Which were the best articles on Women's Web in 2011? Editor's Pick here; share yours!

With 2011 coming to an end, we’ve completed 18 months of running Women’s Web, and what a fantastic, scary, exciting journey it has been! We had our ups and downs, we had our moments of doubt and others of exhilaration. The full-time team on the magazine expanded to a grand total of two, and we were joined by many new contributors as well.

At the end of 2011, I thought it would be fun to list down my favourite posts and articles of the year – the ones that I found most interesting, touching or involving in some way. Note, these are “my” picks from all the wonderful authors we published this year, so yeah, it is highly subjective. I was planning to pick 10, but I found that I just couldn’t – so, ultimately, I pruned down a much longer list to 12.

MY BEST OF WOMEN’S WEB 2011 (in random order)

1. How Kerala Responds To Thasni Banu: Preethi Krishnan‘s incisive piece on moral policing of women in Kerala

2. Being Niharika’s Mother: The mother of a child with special needs shares her thoughts on growing as a parent

3. Is Gender Limiting Your Child?: How we consciously and unconsciously slot our children into pre-defined roles based on their gender

4. Questions About Consent To SexDeepra Dandekar‘s hard-hitting post on the very concept of consent, especially within marriage

5. Show Me The Curry!: An interview with two intrepid women, Hetal and Anuja, founders of a popular online cookery show

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6. Unplanned Parenthood: My Story: Motherhood when it happens before you are ready for it; a deeply honest account

7. Surviving Cancer: A survivor’s story of life beyond cancer

8. Why Loiter?: Review of Why Loiter, a book that examines whether women really feel safe in public spaces, even in a so-called ‘safe city’ like Mumbai

9. Fatherhood: Burps, Farts And All: A new dad’s hilarious account of life in the early days of baby

10. Being Your Own Advocate: Cee Kay shares her learnings on standing up for yourself

11. Marriage: An Over-rated Institution?: R’s Mom‘s post on marriage and its value for women is totally worth reading, as are the impassioned comments

12. Of ‘Boring’ Women And Our Interests: Preethi Krishnan‘s thought-provoking post on whether women need to widen their interests and discourse

I hope you enjoy looking through these – and do share below your favourite pieces one the site!

Pic credit: (Used under a creative commons license)


About the Author

Aparna Vedapuri Singh

Founder & Chief Editor of Women's Web, Aparna believes in the power of ideas and conversations to create change. She has been writing since she was ten. In another life, she used to be read more...

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