An Open Letter to India’s Girl Child #Fridayfuel

Dear dear girl of India,
In a world full of possibilities, there is no limit to your potential. Embrace your uniqueness, because you are the epitome of strength, wisdom and grace. As you move forward on life’s journey, remember that challenges are hidden opportunities. Your dreams are valid, your voice matters and your existence enriches the fabric of our society.
In moments of doubt, find solace in the steadfast truth that you deserve every opportunity and respect. Break barriers, challenge stereotypes and let your talent shine. Believe in your abilities, because you have the power to shape a brighter, more equitable future.
Know that you are not alone; A supportive community stands behind you. Seek wisdom, develop kindness, and embrace the beauty of your personality. The path may not always be easy, many obstacles will be there, but with determination and resilience you can overcome any obstacle.
May your journey be filled with joy, achievement and achievement of your dreams. Embrace the strength within you, because you are the creator of your own destiny. As you grow up, inspire others with your courage, compassion and unwavering spirit.

With unwavering support,
Shailja Mishra
A writer & proud mom of a girl child


About the Author


Shailja is a writer,blogger & a content curator by profession. A editor in collaboration with India Imagine. In her Free time she loves to chat with her friends and learn new things. She thinks that read more...

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