I Had Never Thought Being a Rebel Would Teach Me How To Become Confident

These two incidents of 'rebellion' are today my fondest memories because they helped me become the person I am today.

Our #FridayFuel weekly cue gives our contributors interesting new ideas to share their experiences with the community. One such cue was #MischiefManaged, around which this post revolves. Sign up to be a part of the Women’s Web community if you too would like to receive such creative prompts, useful resources & more!

Being a Harry Potter fan, this hashtag completely had my attention and has convinced me to share my so-called rebellious acts!

I had been a good girl from the start, studying, focussing on grades, and importantly, staying away from boys.

So, that was where I first broke the pattern – when it came to boys.

Good Girl Syndrome, no more

I followed this rule quite religiously during the first three years of my five-and-a-half-year MBBS course.

‘I will only marry the boy my parents want me to,’ I ardently swore.

During the final year, however, fate had other plans for me. I fell hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with a senior. That feeling of love being all-powerful, it even encouraged me to break the ‘No mobile phones allowed’ rule in our hostel. So yeah, that’s two rules broken at a time! There was something so magical, so heartwarming about those secret conversations, and the fluttering butterflies every time he texted me, or when I heard his voice. Of course, the good girl in me didn’t like where this was going and forced me to confess to my parents. And surprise surprise, they opposed it.

Though the love story did not have a happy ending, the act of talking to a boy this much and thereby daring to choose my life partner myself was my very first rebellious act, which changed my life forever. It instilled in me the confidence to approach and talk to guys, which I previously lacked.

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The second such noteworthy act was when I had my first cocktail with my best friend. We were supposedly just going out for dinner because good girls don’t drink, you see. We went to a pub where I took a sip of ‘Sex on the Beach’ for the very first time. It still happens to be one of my favourite drinks, to this date. She made sure I didn’t get too high, by insisting that I eat cheesy french fries along with it. She even bought me a mouth freshener on the way home, so that I would pass a breath test if at all my folks subjected me to it. Thankfully, I just went straight to bed once I got home and no one had a clue! This was a true mischief-managed moment in every sense!

Image Source: Canva Pro

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About the Author

Lavnya Krishnamurthy

Doctor (Ophthalmologist) by profession and a writer by passion read more...

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