9 to 9 Jobs — Where Is The Work-Life Balance?

Most jobs, specially in developing economies, do not give much emphasis on work-life balance! The result of this is confused, overworked and frustrated individuals who in spite of all the earnings are just not happy.

Everyone often advises you, “To have Work-life balance!”

And you reply with a sigh, “Ugh… I really wish!”

While people often tell you how important it is to start living and not just to make a living, they forgot the important footers.

Most jobs, specially in developing economies, do not give much emphasis on work-life balance! The result of this is; confused, overworked and frustrated individuals who in spite of all the earnings are just not happy.

Practice is harder than preaching

While, a lot has been preached about the importance of balancing your work and life.

The reality remains that despite all the talks around this issue, most sectors do not have even an idea of how important it is for people to stay ‘alive’ or ‘balanced.’

The mornings of an employee in a company start with a rush to reach the office on time, and the evenings die with waiting at traffic signals to reach home before his child sleeps.

9 to 9 jobs leave you with so little time

Yes, as harsh it may sound, 9 to 9 jobs are the actual reality where having even a couple of weekends off is a ‘privilege.’ Leaving at 8 in the morning to sitting for dinner at 10, leaves you with little space for living your life!

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The pandemic has given us all a fresh perspective on the importance of good health, healthy familial relations and to be living each day.

Overworked employee are not an asset

But the objective will not be achieved until the leaders decide to value their employees.

Employers should recognize the contribution of employees towards a successful business. And profit lies in realizing that an overworked employee is not an asset, but a happy one is!

Image Source: By wutzkoh and Khwanchai Phanthong’s Images free on Canva Pro

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