Why Is Nudity Always Linked To Sexuality, Especially In Women?

We need to have conversations that normalise a woman's body in its infinite variety, so that women are not traumatised by the constant shaming, and men learn better or keep their opinions to themselves.

We need to have conversations that normalise a woman’s body in its infinite variety, so that women are not traumatised by the constant shaming, and men learn better or keep their opinions to themselves.

We have a censor board to certify films in which one of the main checks is based on nudity.

Why does nudity have to be always sexual? When the word naked is heard, without a second thought the next word that pops up into one’s mind is “sex”. But the unacknowledged fact is that one can be all dressed up and be sexual, and on the other hand, one can be in minimal or no clothes, and still not be sexual. But why don’t the eyes and mind accept this?

How linking of nudity to sexuality creates a problem for women

From the big screens to home, the female body is almost always sexualised. Women can’t dress in certain ways because it “turns on” the men. Sometimes, a rapist says “That song in that movie turned me on and I happened to do this” or “Her cleavage was an invitation to me”.

Men, however dressed, on the contrary, are almost never sexualised, and hence men being topless is completely fine.

Is this inequality just because because aren’t expected to or even given space to enjoy their sexuality, and are only supposed to be the object of sick men’s mentality?

“The bigger her boobs and ass, the hotter she is!” Few men keep these as a standard to measure the sexiness of women. Well, the female body is not an object to satisfy a man by having the so-called “perfect shape”. It’s time to change the view that guys can have lifelong access to the female body as an object of desire, and help bring women out of the insecurity they feel about nudity.

Instead of changing the way how our body looks, let’s change our perception of it

Everybody has body hair but the media is to be blamed big time for shaming women with visible body hair – and immense efforts are taken to remove them, yet they keep growing. After a point of time, this surely does make a woman hate her body. We need to have conversations that normalise body hair, so that women are not traumatised by the shaming and men keep their opinions to themselves.

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As women’s bodies are sexualised, women are unable to embrace their bodies as they are; instead there is pressure put on them to be flawless. We must recognise the fact that it is not all hush-hush these days, and slowly things are changing!

Another unsaid pressure on women to keep her body sexually attractive to men is that she has to ensure that her private parts are not darker in her body. Well, these days this has become a business to lighten the private parts so that it looks the same as the rest of the body. What is completely forgotten is it is quite natural that our body looks a certain way, and a cleanly shaven and lightened body part alone doesn’t make it sexually attractive.

Nudity is not always sexual! If this fact is acknowledged, many other problems attached to it will find their solution in the journey of the fact being accepted!

Image source: Daria Litvinova on Unsplash

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Ravi Ramya

Be your own kind of beautiful.

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