A woman- a first enemy to another woman?

A woman is the first enemy of another woman!

This statement is not to generalise any gender or is against feminists or feminism. The experience turns out to be the statement!

I refer to myself as a feminist. However, this word has turned out to be a bad word. It is because most of the time it’s fought without understanding the term “Feminism”.  The fight for equality crosses a line and becomes a fight to be dominant. I don’t say all feminists are bad. Women are in better positions because of the untiring efforts of all feminists from the previous generation. But let’s think about one aspect! When there is a group of people, the first one to pass a comment about another woman is sadly a woman. It could be about anything about “her” which turns out to be bad word of mouth. I want to emphasise the fact that I am not generalising all women but it is a personal experience! Very rarely, do I find a woman who understands me and doesn’t judge me in any aspect. I wondered if it’s because of the competition that lets these women put another woman down. The battle to fight another woman began at school and it doesn’t seem to end any time soon. This experience made me question what is feminism and what we are fighting for if we can’t perceive another woman. In the middle of this chaos, I have had good men in my life who have played immense roles in my growth. This support from men especially in the workplace is very important for one’s career! Well, is it November 8- International Men’s Day, that’s why I am writing this post. No, but why not an appreciation post to all the wonderful men in my life?

First-ever experience sets a benchmark for future expectations! My first-ever work experience was remarkable only because of my first-ever boss! From day one, his support let me focus only on my career leaving behind all passing judgements!  After the best work experience, I stepped into the next stage of my career. From day one- something didn’t feel right and I hit my lowest point. I wanted to give it up. My boss and I started to work together which not only helped me get back to the grind, but it also gave me a strange confidence that comes when you learn how to figure it out! I don’t know what is with the definition of feminism, but I started to embrace men’s feminism!

The world is already cruel, if not make it a better place to live, let’s not make it a worse place for others! In the journey of figuring out feminism and everything else, let’s not put anyone down and let’s all grow together by embracing each other!


About the Author

Ravi Ramya

Be your own kind of beautiful.

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