How Fair Is This Statement? “I’m Lucky I Have Only Daughters And No Son!”

Misogynist men don't appear out of nowhere - boys can grow up to be good people who support feminism if the parents take responsibility to raise their son right.

Misogynist men don’t appear out of nowhere – boys can grow up to be good people who support feminism if the parents take responsibility to raise their son right.

In a group somewhere the other day, I came across a statement made by a lady, “I am lucky that I have only daughters and no son”. The context was how good sons can never become good husbands or fathers.

I am a strong feminist and believe in gender equality and advocate for it.  Gender equality means both the genders are given equal respect. One does not have to humiliate the male gender to praise the females.

Generalization is never fair. I am all for women’s rights, equal rights for girl children, and I speak and write against domestic and emotional abuse of women; but this statement “lucky not to have sons” didn’t go down well with me.

The responsibility is of parents

No son is born a criminal or MCP.  The way a daughter is a darling, so is the son. The way he is raised, and his family environment play a big role in shaping him up. Being the mother of an almost adult, well-raised son, I can vouch for the fact that sons are as caring, helping, and emotional as the daughters. Of course, you need to put in efforts to inculcate the right values in them.

The women who made this statement got a lot of likes. Why? What if the reverse statement was made?

I always emphasize the fact that children are angels, blessings, be it of any gender. A well-raised son can be a good friend, husband, father and citizen.

Let’s not make it a battle of which gender is better or which gender makes the parents “lucky”.

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About the Author

Ritwika Roy Mutsuddi

I am a travel expert by profession and an avid blogger by passion. Parenting and women's issues are something that are close to my heart and I blog a lot about them. read more...

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