Does The Basic Right Of Every Woman To Live Free Of Fear On This Earth Really Exist?

The Hathras rape case and the way it was handles has plunged women everywhere into despair. Will things never change? 

The Hathras rape case and the way it was handles has plunged women everywhere into despair. Will things never change? 

Has humanity gone for a toss? The stench of tyranny and despair pervades everywhere. Women have always become victims of sexual violence and physical assault.

We, the women, continue to fight for equal rights. But before fighting for equal rights, we need a ‘safe’ place to live. Does the basic right of every woman to live fear free on this earth really exist?

Another incident took place which shook the whole world. Another girl was brutally gangraped and murdered. Her mother must have thought at least once that it would have been better if she would have killed her daughter in her womb than to bring her in this world, which turned nothing less than hell for her. The young 19 year old became the prey of wolves who tortured her and made her feel shame and ignominy on her being taken birth as a female.

Nothing changes for girls and women

Almost eight years have passed since the Nirbhaya case. But nothing has changed in our society. Many such incidents are happening which are not even reported because of a feeling of disgrace and infamy; heinous crimes against women are on the surge.

Why does nobody give a thought before doing such injustice to girls, women and infants? Is it because of the flaws in our judicial system? Is our judicial system incapable of giving justice to such victims? Why are such cases pushed on for years and years? Why can’t justice in a court of law become more swift for such cases?

Such ferocious and merciless crimes where girls are made paralysed make us shiver and quiver. I must say every mother and every woman has tears in her eyes whenever such ruthless and heart wrenching incidents take place in our society.

Give the girl child her place in society. Enough now

Even if the victim survives this brutality against her, would she be given the respect and love which she deserves? No. She would, instead, be blamed for all that happened, and would just get hatred from people. No one would ‘accept’ her after having gone through such a pitiless crime.

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Unfortunately, this is how our society functions. Sexual violence and physical assault against women, somehow, have got ingrained in our system. How will we come out from this?

The slogan ‘Beti bachao, Beti padhao’ should be changed to ‘Beta padhao, beti bachao’ as basic etiquettes and humanity seem to be completely missing. Teach your SONS to be better people. 

I was pregnant with my second daughter when the Nirbhaya gang rape took place. I still remember how I couldn’t sleep for days; it kept haunting me. My husband told me I should stop watching the news. But that was not the solution. How long could we close our eyes to such injustice?

This time I really want the heavens to fall and stop such inhumanity against women, otherwise every mother would be afraid of bringing a girl child to this earth where she could be raped or beaten to death. Yes, boys can be raped too, but girls are taking the larger brunt of this evil.

Give us a safe environment to live and breathe, where we can enjoy the freshness of peace and humanity. Otherwise a day would come when all the women would vanish and only inhuman and incorrigible beings called ‘men’ would be left on this earth.

Image source: Molly Belle on Unsplash

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