Motherhood: An Exquisite Odyssey

Motherhood is a roller coaster ride filled with exuberance,enchantment, trepidation,uneasiness, adventure, turbulence and love.

Motherhood is a roller coaster ride filled with exuberance,enchantment, trepidation,uneasiness, adventure, turbulence and love.

The wave of happiness and appreciation started flowing when I got to know that I was expecting. Being the first child, I hardly knew anything about pregnancy. A concoction of moroseness, ebullience, excitement was wafting through the body. Finally the awaited day came. My water bag burst in the morning and convulsing pains started. A ripple of twinge embarked through the stomach which were totally unbearable. But I was astonished seeing the nurses talking to each other ‘bahut acchi pains aa rahi hai’. I really wanted to slap them as I was dying with pain ‘what is good about it?’ Later on I realised what they meant. I was blessed with a beautiful daughter. The life started moving around her. Her first smile, first step, first time calling mama are all stored in my heart.

Being mothers we always want our children to do wonders in every field. I was so excited about her first sports day function. When her race started, I stood-up for cheering. To my surprise, she was running like a tortoise oblivious to what others were doing. I was dumbfounded at the sight for two minutes. I always chuckle whenever I remember that day.

I always felt bad whenever my mom used to chide me. But after becoming Mom, I realised at times it is actually necessary to admonish the kids for their betterment . Sometimes we understand the things only when it actually happen to us.

The day came when my second daughter was born. People sitting in the waiting room were more astounded than my family. The notion of acceptance of the girl child ( especially the second one) by the society is a chimeric dream.

Memories from the days of yore started popping out as to how my mother, because of two daughters, was held up as an object of ridicule. I was quite surprised to see her ferocious tone while saying to my aunt, “Are you going to feed and educate my daughters? If no, then  you should mind your own business.” I learnt a lesson on that day that this world would try to intimidate us but we need to give it a severe reprimand when required.

The nurse jolted me out from the memory saying “Your daughter is the most beautiful and peaceful baby with an angelic smile in the nursery”.

Every child has its own uniqueness. My both girls are drastically opposite to each other. Comparing our children with one another or with any other child of her age is the major flaw of parenthood. It would sink us into depression and also put the child into low self esteem. Confidence of the child shackles and growth process slows down. This was the lesson learnt by me in the anomalous drive of motherhood.

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Anger and shouting has become an inseparable part of me. Whenever I embark to shout, my younger daughter says, “Mom, please start deep breathing’ and the elder one says “Bas karo mom, your migraine will start.”

Sometimes the stress level rises so high when the deep thought penetrates, “How will they manage everything?”Studies, competition, puberty. I feel the children sometimes adjust to the situation, it’s always we mothers who create more panic. I always want they should imbibe good habits, good learning in their life. Whenever I make them understand few teachings with some age old story, their eyes twinkle with naughty mischief and both of them say in unison “lo ji ek aur kahani.”

Everyday is a new learning with them. They are the soul of our home. We always try to make each other cheerful with some silly jokes and one liners. Sometimes I get quite amazed with my elder daughter’s scintillating wit. In this joyous ride I got to know how to handle their tantrums and demands .

As my elder daughter is entering into teens, words of my mother start flashing out. She once gave me solemn speech on my 16th birthday. “Now you are going to start your journey towards your goal. Each and every day would play an important role. You have to understand the nuances of life. Number of hurdles, distractions, allurement would be there which might derail you from your path. Remember to never go off track. Infatuation is very common among your age group. But it shouldn’t be an impediment to success. Now on, you have to choose your friends wisely.” I still remember my mothers eyes were brimmed with tears when she stopped. May be someday I will pass this to my daughters at the required age.

Till that time I usually tell them “your brain is bigger than your feet” and you can travel any bridleway with sheer determination and courage and to be happy is the most important thing.

I am loving this effervescent expedition full of bantering, bickering, learning…. I hope you gals too, are enjoying your odyssey of motherhood.

Image Credit: Pixabay


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