Happy Mother’s Day – A Small Gesture For A Lifetime of Affection

If this is that day to honour our mothers, let us just give them at least this day, out of our busy schedule, to thank a lifetime of dedication, love, care and affection.

If this is that day to honour our mothers, let us just give them at least this day, out of our busy schedule, to thank a lifetime of dedication, love, care and affection.

To be honest, I never believed much in the relevance of earmarking a single day for mothers or fathers, or for any relation/relationship for that matter. And for the same reason I was never so excited to celebrate Mothers day or even acknowledge a day as such.

In fact, I believe everyday should be a mother’s day and motherhood ought to be celebrated every single moment of our lives.

The Mother’s day celebration is understood, to have started in the US and is usually celebrated on  the second Sunday of May, commonly in spring. I could not find any reason why it was celebrated in the Spring season. Maybe due to the fact that Spring season, is that time of the year when fresh blooms emerge from the insides of mother Earth, characterizing the ideas of birth, growth, revival, resurrections and so forth.

No wonder, it is celebrated at this beautiful time of the year, to celebrate the most beautiful and divine relationship in the world . Here in this part of the world, it is scorching summers, nevertheless, I too am joining in this milieu of celebration!

Motherhood –  That one relation we take too much for granted expecting unhindered, unhampered, untiring flow of love, service and sacrifices all round  the clock 24*7!

And mother – That one person, who gave birth to you after carrying you for nine months, going through all the emotional and psychological imbalances, physical & mental stress, and the ultimate pain to bring you into this world, which she forgets when she sees your cute little face, or your cuddle, warm and cozy up against her bosom or just a feeling of that tight grip of your little fingers around hers.

She dedicates even the minutest seconds of her life to take care of you , to raise you into what you are today and takes pride in who you are, every time she sees you; and all she wants in return are a few happy moments at a point of life when she herself is left with not much time of her own.

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She loves you more than anything in the world, even at the cost of forgetting to love herself; and all she needs in return are not riches, luxuries or mansions, but just a small place in your heart when her own heart grows weak.

She sacrifices her own dreams just to help you chase your own, and all she wants is to see you leading a successful life , and take content in presuming it as her own dreams fulfilled, when she is no longer able to dream of her own!

She becomes the epitome of strength when it comes to you and protects you from all the perils endangering her own self; and all she wants is to confirm you are safe and sound, when might herself be in great pain.

She picks you up whenever you fall and guides you through the right path; and all she needs is a hand to hold on to, when she is unable to walk on her own through the lonely times of old age!

So if this is that day to honour our mothers, let us just give them at least this day, out of our busy schedule, to thank a lifetime of dedication, love, care and affection. Let us at least give a portion of what they have done for us,  by saying that we love them for who they are. Let’s just not reduce them to mere words but put them in actions too, not just for today but for all the days to come.

Let’s not forget to thank our fathers too, for without fathers, there can’t be mothers either!

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Lawyer by profession, specialising in Service Laws in Kerala, India. Hobbies include blogging, poetry writing, write-ups on day to day issues, parenting, relationships, and other socially relevant matters. read more...

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