If The Coronavirus Lockdown Has You Living In Reverse, Why Not Try And Change Gears?

Yes, the coronavirus has the world is in a crisis. But I believe, this could also be time for us to tick items off our bucket list and live life while we can.

Yes, the coronavirus has the world is in a crisis. But I believe, this could also be time for us to tick items off our bucket list and live life while we can.

A lot of people do this to themselves. They work at jobs they hate to buy things they don’t need. Or they date and/or marry just to avoid being alone. Then after years have gone by, they wake up and try to turn things around.

They pursue their real interests. They start looking for meaningful relationships. They go after all the things they should have pursued years ago.

Now I know why they say that youth is wasted on the young. Once upon a time, I was guilty of this too. But then I learned to flip the script and live life in forward gear (for the most part).

We only have the ‘NOW’

The world has always been a dangerous place. And owing to Coronavirus, we live in more uncertain times now than ever.

Some things like mortality and natural disasters are completely out of our hands. I say this, not to make you panic, but to remind you that life is truly short and unpredictable. And as intelligent beings, we have the power to control our reaction to tough times.

Grieve, rage, vent all you want, but also make time to do the things you can and want to do right NOW. From the safety of your home, of course. For example, I am sure you have at least one purchase—a book, a game, an online course—that you put off for “some other time.”

Well, you finally have some time. How about you give it a shot? You may never get an opportunity like this ever again.

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Why don’t we all try to live in forward?

Because as scary as it sounds, we need to be prepared for the worst, once this pandemic ends. The economy is already all set to crash and many of us may struggle to make ends meet in the future.

You might have to make serious and unpalatable lifestyle changes to survive – like taking up bad jobs just to earn some money. According to news reports, you might even find yourself in the middle of a messy divorce or a custody battle. But there’s nothing you can do about that in the present, can you? So while you are stuck at home, how about you check some items off your bucket list?

Are you living life in forward or reverse? How has the Coronavirus affected your life? Let me know in the comments below.

A version of this was first published here.

Picture credits: Pexels

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About the Author

Mahevash Shaikh

Mahevash Shaikh is a millennial blogger, author, and poet who writes about mental health, culture, and society. She lives to question convention and redefine normal. read more...

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