Dear Younger Me, Fall In Love With Your Imperfections

If you had to tell 'Younger Me' one thing from today's vantage point, what would it be? What of life's wisdom would you have to offer?

If you had to tell ‘Younger Me’ one thing from today’s vantage point, what would it be? What of life’s wisdom would you have to offer?

Dear Younger Me,

It’s been a long time since I had a one on one with you. Often in our busy lives, we lose touch with who we really are deep inside. So I’m here today as your older, wiser (but still without grey hair) big sis to tell you something about life.

Yes this will be long and sentimental, bossy at times and maybe a bit too cuddly even. So do bear with me – you can thank me later. Remember that little fat girl with pigtails? Well, she’s not so little anymore, and not as fat either. But yes, sometimes she does have pigtails though after a long week at work, when dozing off to sleep. You know what the funny part is? She doesn’t hate pigtails now – it keeps her hair protected and tangle free. Guess Youtube taught her what dadi and mom knew all along!

And she doesn’t mind her moles and scars either – she flaunts her imperfections with pride. It’s what makes her unique and special. Another secret, girl to girl, messy is in : messy hair, oversized clothes, old faded jeans. Trust me dear, a day will come when you will make peace with all of that and even the stuff you cry over now. Spoiler alert though, this overgrown kid is still struggling with her sweet tooth and travel bug. Desserts and trips are still her kinda high. And these are things she doesn’t plan to change anytime soon.

Dear Sis, life will knock you down daily: being late for work, false blame, betrayal from loved ones, cancelled trips, parents being unreasonable, working when sick, Sundays at work, not invited to your friend’s wedding, misunderstandings, tragic period timings, embarrassing moments beyond your imagination will all be a reality. So if you think your best days haven’t come yet, think again. Live now dear – with your acne scars and bulging tummy, with your shyness and your unruly curls…wear that LBD, eat that cupcake, spend a night looking up at the stars, buy that expensive handbag, put your thoughts on paper.

Add dance steps to your songs, add music to your lyrics. Add pasta to your pizza – but please do workout after that. One more thing: take good care of yourself – body and mind. We are fragile after all no matter how old we are and honestly, TLC works best in daily doses.

Fall in love with your imperfections – they need it the most. And never think you are not good enough for whatever your dreams are. Don’t clip your wings, baby girl – keep soaring high.

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Till your big Sis learns something more, that’s all.

Lots of love,

Older Me.

Image via Unsplash


About the Author

Pubali Chaudhuri

Psychiatry resident,doctor,writer,reader,dreamer

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