17 New Things That 2017 Taught Me. How About You?

Here's what 2017 taught this writer. How about making your very own 'What 2017 taught me' list?

Here’s what 2017 taught this writer. How about making your very own ‘What 2017 taught me’ list?

It’s the end of another year yet again. For most, like me, I’m sure it’s been a mixed bag. But 2017 will be memorable as the ‘Teacher Year’ in my life. Here are 17 new things I learnt. Some of these are very personal experiences and hard lessons that I was faced with. But as they say, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.

1.Life doesn’t always go as you planned. No,not even if you are a micro-planner and have your future all planned out.

2.Bad things happen to good people, cheaters win, honest people fail. Yes, you can sit there and complain or get up and give it one more shot.

3.The better you get at something, the more people you will lose. But don’t let that stop you from getting better.

4.A smile is the best weapon in the trickiest situation. Smile at people when they are giving you a hard time.

5.Never let your happiness depend on someone else. Be in control of your emotions. You will fail sometimes, but keep trying.

6.People just want someone to talk to, someone to listen to their problems, to not judge, to offer support. Help out any such person you meet.

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7.Words are seriously mightier than the sword. Choose them wisely.

8.Believe and trust in something bigger than you that has your best interests in mind.

9.Time is not a marker of how well you can know a person.

10.Hard work and dedication can bring you almost anything you want in life.

11.Sometimes we just outgrow people and places. Things seem different. Embrace change. Don’t fight it.

12.Some people will be there for you in the darkest of times. Keep them close. Before that, make sure you know who they are.

13.There are decisions we take that change our lives forever. In taking such decisions, listen to your inner self – that child within you, that gut feeling. It seldom fails.

14.People are the most complex things you will come across. So don’t overthink or over analyse. Put that effort into knowing yourself. Many of us are struggling with this.

15.People will be happy for you but not more than they are for themselves. Everyone wants you to do as well as they did, not better.

16.Life is truly a roller coaster ride. Remember though, what goes down, must come up.

17.Live for the little moments – rainbows, hugs, chocolates, crazy dancing, insane laughing, goofing around, new experiences, new places, new people. Because you never know if tomorrow is going to come.

So Happy New Year 2018 everyone! Enjoy the last few days of the year that has given us some  great lessons.

Top image via Unsplash

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Pubali Chaudhuri

Psychiatry resident,doctor,writer,reader,dreamer

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