All I Want Is A Day Off, This Mother’s Day!

Yeah, you heard it right. This is all I want this Mother's Day; a day off from round-the-clock motherhood duties, a break from this programmed life. 

Yeah, you heard it right. This is all I want this Mother’s Day; a day off from round-the-clock motherhood duties, a break from this programmed life. Am I sounding unreasonable or impractical? May be, but that’s the only wish I have.

People may call it being selfish, I call it loving myself.

I don’t want to be woken up by my husband or kids or that devil alarm clock. I just want to snuggle in my cozy bed and sleep as long as I want.

I don’t want to worry about the three hot meals of the day to be served to my family. Ordering in or eating out are better choices and will be much appreciated. Feeding toast and corn flakes to the kids instead of oats one day won’t make them sick. Go Daddy!

I want to have my morning tea in peace without getting up countless times in between. Am I expecting too much?

I want to take a bubble bath instead of a 2-minute shower.

I want to give myself a much needed foot massage as every night, my legs pain as though I have been climbing hills.

As I am miles apart from my Mom, I just want to call her and talk my heart out and listen to her without any distractions. I don’t even remember when I last spoke to her in peace.

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I don’t even want to look at the sink full of dirty dishes or the fully loaded laundry basket. Excuse me for a day please!

I don’t want to babysit my terrible twos, worry about the mess they make throughout the day, act as a referee to their sword fights, change their leaking diapers, shout at them every minute to stop their mischief and most importantly, I don’t want to sing lullabies and put them to sleep.

I want to go out alone and buy myself some flowers and grab a chocolate without the fear of being caught by my tiny twos.

I may be judged for shirking my duties but I would give a deaf ear to all the comments and prefer to have a day just for myself. What are your wishes for the day, Mommies? How do you want your day to be? Share with me in the comments below.

Love you all, hope you have a fantastic Mother’s Day.

Image via Unsplash


About the Author


Mom of twin girls, a blogger turned author, a dreamer, a traveler and an artist by heart. read more...

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