“There Is So Much Out There You Cannot Control, But Here’s How To Deal With It!” A Worried Mom

There are so many worrying things you can't control in the world today. One mom writes an open letter to her children, telling them how to deal with these.

There are so many worrying things you can’t control in the world today. One mom writes an open letter to her children, telling them how to deal with these.

I am a mother to a son and a daughter. The increasing incidents of rape, molestation etc. have made me feel helpless. I want a safer world for my children, but I don’t know where to start. I hope that through this letter I echo the sentiments of most mothers around the globe.

My Dear Children,

I know you are currently growing up in a sheltered environment and don’t really understand what’s happening around, but sooner than later you will start understanding it. People will tell you things and you will form certain opinions based on it. I will try and help you have an opinion, but I won’t really have a control on who do you choose to believe or follow. You will want to try new things, do certain things because it’s supposed to be ‘cooler’ or you might want to fit-in. I won’t be there every time to warn you about possible dangers, hence I really hope that you read this and understand that my beliefs and positions stem out of my concern for your safety.

It’s a Big Bad World

Just like in the story of Red Riding Hood, the world has it’s share of Big Bad Wolves. We can’t deny it, nor can we change it. I want you to keep your safety as your top most priority, because unlike Red Riding Hood you might not find a helpful wood-cutter, when you need one. Learn self-defence. Party hard, but be sober.

It’s not your clothes 

Never let anybody tell you that it’s the clothes that you wear that causes rapes and molestations. Tiny girls in uniforms and babies aren’t spared, so it isn’t about the clothes. Wear what is comfortable and not just because it’s in vogue. Trends come and go, you need to pick what you like.

If you ever face such an instance talk about it

You are the victim, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. If you did face a situation, don’t be ashamed and talk about it. Let me know. If I am not around, tell anyone you are comfortable with. You did not do anything wrong. It’s that man/woman’s heinous mentality that is at fault.

Stand up for yourself

If you face such an instance, stand up for yourself. People will tell you otherwise and ask you to keep quiet and move on, but don’t listen to them. It’s never possible to move on. Your heart is scarred and if you keep quiet it will never heal.

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If you see someone being attacked, don’t be a mute spectator. Help! Remember we can fight anything collectively. One person molesting or harassing someone is helpless if a crowd of 50 come to the rescue.

No work is gender tagged

No work is limited to being a woman’s job or a man’s job. Consider each other as humans. Know all the chores. Boys learn cooking, Girls learn drilling. If you don’t like a particular work that’s fine, but not doing it just because it’s a man’s or a woman’s job is not fair. Learn to respect the person not the gender.

Wrong behaviour cannot make you cool

My son, if you think passing comments about a girl is cool, think again. Would you like it if someone did that to you? No erroneous actions can be exempt just because everyone else was doing it.

Children, before you take any action that might affect someone else, do put yourself in their position. If you don’t like being at the receiving end, chances are the other person too might not. Don’t let peer pressure or ‘Chalta-Hai’ cloud your judgement.

Lot’s of love

Yours ever worried Mom

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About the Author

Neha Tambe

A freelance writer and social media marketer by profession, I love weaving stories. Passionate about woman's perspective on various issues. Believer of social media for better connectivity and opportunities to all. read more...

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