Using Social Media For Business Growth #WomenOnTheMove

We tweet chatted with #WomenOnTheMove on how to use Social Media for business growth. This is what they said.

We tweet chatted with #WomenOnTheMove on how to use Social Media for business growth. This is what they said.

“Choose your audience wisely, for its not your performance that varies but their response is what matters!”  -Ramana Pemmaraju.

And this is the fundamental truth which the social media stands on today. Whether you are promoting your career, building your business, creating a brand or simply trying to connect with the right set of people, there are some dos and don’ts while using social media. Not following these rules could label you negative or worse spammy.

On an average Indians spend around 2.3 hours a day online reports the site statista. And so you would be better off learning a  few basic rules of social media etiquette.

Earlier this week, we had our weekly #Womenonthemove chat over at Twitter, and this is what we discussed. And we got to know some important social media tips. (If you’re not yet following Women’s Web on Twitter, do now, and you can come over for the chat too, every Thursday 6-7 pm IST).

Key challenges of Social Media Marketing


Self promotion without sounding spammy! How and where to draw the line?

Tricks for content to go viral!

Social Media – a boon if used correctly

Lastly and surely not the least….

Image: Pixabay


About the Author

usha hariprasad

A new contributor here at Women's Web, I will be adding more here about myself soon! read more...

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