Celebrating Life At 29

On our birthdays, let's not look back and count the years to weigh our happiness, but let's count our blessings and know what true happiness is.

On our birthdays, let’s not look back and count the years to weigh our happiness, but let’s count our blessings and know what true happiness is.

How joyous and wonderful each of our lives are, but how often do we appreciate our blessings? In fact, it happened yesterday that I felt irritated over a certain business deal that did not materialize. What I forgot is that it is just a one off case and not a repetitive scenario. That moment, I ignored my past accomplishments, I forgot the journey and just focused on the intricacy of my state of mind. Emotions have a typical pattern and when you are sad, it heightens the other senses also. At times, nothing seems to work and the world appears grey.

I perhaps took an entire night to recuperate, losing sleep, waking up at 2 AM, in the wee hours with a realization. “Listen Sonal, you have come a long way,” spoke my inner voice,  “aren’t you happy?”

Am I not happy? Well, to be honest, I indeed am. The journey has not at all been conducive to happiness, but it has been enriching. It has made me who I am today. Trials and tribulations are in fact a boon in disguise.

So you ask me, how?

In my previous post, I mentioned about the humiliation I felt at being rejected by the so called prospective boy’s parents. I was heartbroken that because of me my parents had to suffer so much. All the taunt and whispers from relatives and neighbours’ would be devastating. How long do I have to endure all this? In the end, I will have to get myself married for my parents to breathe a sigh of relief.

Exactly a year has passed by; it’s 25th February 2015, today. I am still single as I turn 29 on 1st March. Also, I speak to my mother thrice a day and we discuss recipes and TV serials and boys too. However, she never asks me “When are you going to make us happy?” This is, I think because, they are happy. I do not doubt that my father is still a little uncomfortable but I would give it to him. It takes time to evolve from one culture to accepting that at 29, your daughter is living on her own, still single and running her own business.

It feels good to be my own boss. It feels excellent to be appreciated for my hard work and acknowledged for my talents. It feels wonderful that I am alive and that my work is touching several other lives.

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I have learned it the hard way, but I guess if those experiences wouldn’t have happened, I would never have thought of defining my own terms and conditions and living accordingly.

It is bliss and I feel like sharing this on my 29th birthday. Experiences only make us rich! Also, let’s cherish the little things in life; we have only one life, let’s live it right! Right does not necessarily mean being a bride and giving birth to babies; not that I do not dream of it, but when I dream of being a bride I don’t burden myself with unnecessary thoughts. I cherish my dream and my faith in the beautiful miracle called life. Deep down I now believe whatever happens, happens for a reason! Reasons that often are not justified at that time, but down the time lane we will agree and feel thankful that it happened.

Image of a happy girl via Shutterstock


About the Author

Sonal Jamuar

Founder@AngeTactile ( Angel Touch). Tarot Card /Angel Card reader. Image Consultant An Engineer by Education, Classical Dancer by passion and Writer by Choice. I am passionate about Educating Girls/differently abled children in India and read more...

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