1, 2, 3 Go! An Ode To Dance

One of the forgotten pleasures of our times is Dancing. Here's an ode to dance, and how it can make you healthy and happy!

One of the forgotten pleasures of our times is Dancing. Here’s an ode to dance, and how it can make you healthy and happy!

Dance when in distress, dance when in grief, dance when hurt, and dance when in love! To me, dance is a divine form of worship. Dancing is not only an extension of the soul, it is also a means to achieve inner peace.

Life is full of challenges these days, it’s not easy. Ups and downs are a part of our daily routine, hence a few hours dedicated to accumulating energy – especially through Dance, for me – is my way of coping with stress. Dance is a great stress buster. It is food for the soul, and fuel for the body. Dance is my first love. It gives me  that feeling of surrendering to the universe, so as to manifest all the desires.  “I surrender myself to the universe allowing my desires to manifest right here, right now” -an affirmation always works the best when in motion.

Who am I? I look at myself in the mirror. I am “I” – an individual, a woman, a victim, and a survivor. Those few hours daily are my escape to the world where I am just me. It is my individuality that reflects in the language of dance. There is music in the air -the Universe speaks to us in the various forms, we need to interpret the messages and figure out the signals.

Everything we ever desire is already there present within reach for us. Dance is one such medium to the ultimate realization of the law of abundance around us. There is plenty for all of us. Whatever we attract comes to us, hence dance not only helps me to be positive but also exposes to me this strength. Dance is that recreation which not only opens up the mind to all the possibilities but helps out in touching the inner most chord of our being, thus making us aware of our own power.

Dancing has empowered me in lot many ways, making me aware of my own weaknesses and strengths. Acknowledging the sensuality, getting in touch with the female energy inside is indeed refreshing. Being born a woman in Indian Society is not a cake walk, especially when a taunt of being a burden to the family follows you everywhere. Dance gave me hope.

The best moments in my life have been those hours when I was on stage. Dancing is my passion. I come alive when I dance, the hip swaying,the feet moving – all in all creating the tangible aura around. I find solace when I dance. I find answers when I dance. It’s  magic when I dance. It’s feeling complete when I dance!

It has already been proved that moving our body could indeed be benefiting our health. According to USDA’s physical activity guidelines, adults should get at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity daily. So whether its Shimmy, Tango or Bharat Natyam; any dance form is beneficial to our health. Most of us, amidst the busy schedules, forget to love ourselves. What better way than to express love through the best form of expression – dance?

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Celebrating Womanhood through dance, recreating the magic through dance, and enriching our life with a healthy mind and healthy body is the need of the hour.

Stress has eroded our brains, caused us several physical ailments, and even affected our thinking patterns. Why not take a resolution to fight stress, through music and dance?

Stress has eroded our brains, caused us several physical ailments, and even affected our thinking patterns. Why not take a resolution to fight stress, through music and dance? Why not dance our way to health? Why not be proud of being a Woman and regain our confidence back through dance? Why not accept that we are unique and stop comparing our bodies to those unreal people in the magazines? Why not just become awesome and explore endless possibilities by awakening our minds?

Why not achieve this by dance? I have been dancing since the age of four. Yes, I have had my bad times and worst times but what worked for me was my dance. Dance helped me sustain, dance is the best fitness regime that I could implement. In fact, if you even implement even three of  these five simple points, you too can stay healthy and happy.

Five steps towards a healthier tomorrow: Play Music and Keep Dancing!

  • Each day, allot a “Me” time (Could be any time according to convenience)
  • Face the Mirror, Say it aloud “I love myself and I approve of myself” till the time it sinks into your head
  • Start your dancing; could be any form you prefer (Belly dancing to Kathak) or if you don’t, simply sway your hips right and left and just enjoy!
  • While you are dancing fill up your mind with only positive thoughts.
  • Visualize how you want to see yourself while you’re still in motion. It works the best when your body and your brain are in sync. Remember – only when you surrender, the Universe takes care!

Why not ditch boring work outs and dance your way to health?

Pic credit: Larry1732 (Used under a CC license)


About the Author

Sonal Jamuar

Founder@AngeTactile ( Angel Touch). Tarot Card /Angel Card reader. Image Consultant An Engineer by Education, Classical Dancer by passion and Writer by Choice. I am passionate about Educating Girls/differently abled children in India and read more...

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