Vidhya Nair

I am in the journey to bring difference in the lives of woman around me! A beginner in the world of words! Determined to change the perspective of life! I strongly believe in the saying "Live and let live"

Voice of Vidhya Nair

The Birth
The Birth

The moon was shining bright. It was a winter night. Chillness was passing down her body. Her heart was beating faster than usual. She could hear nurses shout at her. Tears filled her eyes not daring to roll down. She thought, the moments are going to change life. She hears different voices. “Push”. “Keep trying”. […]

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daughters speech
‘I Don’t Want To Grow Up…’ The Daughter’s Speech That Made Everyone Cry

The teacher had tears when 6-yr-old Jia said, "When I grow up, I will also sweat like my mom and still hear complaints. So, I don't want to grow up."

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Dreams Of Broken Wings

Clutch on to your inner self, We will uplift your dreams.

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Stop Comparing Yourself: On Why I Owe My Gratitude To The Universe

We often tend to focus on the things we don't have, rather than what we currently have. When will this vicious cycle ever stop?

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