Go Girl Power!

It must have been written about a million times on the average Indian mother's obsession on having boys; let me tell you why it's better to have girls!

It must have been written and spoken about a million times on the average Indian mother’s obsession on having boys and not girls, since girls are considered a burden and all that. But let me tell you why it’s better to have girls than boys…(No offence meant to anyone and I am the mother of a girl..so you can’t really accuse me of anything!)

1) You get to buy so much more variety of clothes…well, if you are a lazy mom like me..then you just end up buying t-shirts and pants, which are again an option right?

2) You don’t have to teach them how to pee standing and crap sitting…it’s the same style for both.

3) You have the advantage of naming your girl with much more prettier, different names than the usual boring boys’ names…

4) You get much more money from elders since they want you to start saving for your daughter’s wedding (!)

5) You get a best friend for life with whom you can share everything and anything and get away with it.

6) If you and your daughter are sports, you get a dancing partner, singing partner, badminton partner or whatever you want to do in life..and she will be game…(I am not saying your son won’t do it..but its easier with a daughter, I feel)

7) You save a lot of money at a later stage, if you maintain your figure, by borrowing your daughter’s clothes 🙂

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8) Once your daughter is married, (in case it’s traditional and the daughter decides to move out of your house), you get a lot of free time to yourself where you can do what you want in life.

9) You get a lot of girlie stuff as gifts for your daughter whcih you can always use along with her…(and this is at any age and no figure caveat required) like hair clips and ear rings and stuff

10) In case you’re feeling low when your daughter is a teenager, borrow the the mills and boon and all those romantic chick flicks which is sure to buoy up your mood without having to spend money on buying them!

11) You come to a stage in life eventually when your daughter will help you dress up for an occasion right from dresses to accessories to hair and you just don’t have to worry about it

And any more advantages..please let me know..I am trying to tell people, that I feel the luckiest because I have a daughter 🙂



About the Author

Rs Mom

R’s Mom is a working mother in Mumbai trying to balance work, home and baby. Learning the ropes of new motherhood and wanting to spend more time with baby. Running to catch up with read more...

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