Friends Forever

Friends hold a special place in our lives. The author talks about such friendships which stood the test of time. Read on.

Friends hold a special place in our lives. The author talks about such friendships which stood the test of time. Read on.

As much as we agree that all relationships have their own charm, importance and place, there are some which do get a little more importance and ‘glamour’ than the others. As we grow older, we’re fairly more focused on certain kinds of relationships mainly with our spouses, our kids, our parents and not to mention siblings. But friends? They seem to be sliding down to the bottom of the scale.

And I’m not talking about the ‘Mom-friends’- which of course are fairly common, should you be lucky enough. I’m talking about the ‘call up in the middle of the night for a heart to heart’ ones.

These days I think about a million times before I call anyone in the middle of the night for anything less than a life threatening emergency.

Whatever happened to those friends? The friends who would take you up on a completely last minute plan to hit the latest movie or restaurant, the friends you would go on trips with at the very next chance.

I know life happens. With kids and responsibilities it is not always easy to juggle such things. But, well, you could plan ahead. Trips with kids! And I may be wrong, but I think this is something unique to our generation. I certainly do not remember my moms or grandmothers having such friends – or maybe just the resources to have such friendships. As with everything, friendships evolve over time. I’ve learned to value these old friends, who’ve stuck with me.

I’ve also come to value the conversations I have with these friends (late night or otherwise). These are the friends with whom I have hiked mountains , bitched about bosses/boys/life, cooked dinners, done dance classes, watched movies and I could just go on.

Recently, I finished writing a book with a friend, and realized that over the years which amount to a decade I guess, there is as much flavor and color to our friendship as well as our conversations – if not more.

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As a tribute to our friendship, and to all other friendships which have stood the test of time, we brought out our book – Tete a Tete with R&S. 

Here’s to friendship!

Image Source: Pexels

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