You Are Capable Of Amazing Things

We are much more than what's visible to the eyes. We are not just the image. Furthermore, we are beyond skin and tissues. We are the story behind those pictures. We are the courage and the morals secretly screaming from our behaviour.

You are capable of amazing things

We are the smiles radiating from deep,

We are the tears that are self-healing,

We are the overpowering scream,

We are forgiving and adapting,

We are the nurturing and the nursing.

We are the ocean of emotions

And the mountain of strength,

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Living together in that tiny fist of a muscle,

pumping love ALL the time.

We are much more than what’s visible to the eyes. We are not just the image. Furthermore, we are beyond skin and tissues. We are the story behind those pictures. We are the courage and the morals secretly screaming from our behaviour.

Beauty isn’t just skin-deep

Let our views and opinions rise beyond cosmetic issues. Let the personality ooze out in the form of actions, efforts, affections, and intentions. Overdressed or underdressed, how does one’s value increase by wearing labels or brands? One thing I always believe in and live my life by is the Purity of Body, Mind and Soul.

So then, why do we limit ourselves to clothes?

It’s the fabric, not the shackles, we need not live in them. It provides a sense of happiness, yes. Various colours, shades, patterns, and textures do make us elated. However, it can’t be the only topic of discussion running in mind on a loop. Don’t dress for the people. Dress for the occasion. Choose appropriate attire that suits the occasion. The purpose of clothing is served.

Personality is not what you wear, but what you are.

Your value systems, integrity and principles, how you handle challenges, successes and adversities, and how you deal with people who mistreat you speak volumes about the Real You.

Weightage of historical arguments

So the historical arguments on beauty, skin colour, height, and the like, aren’t vital because all these factors aren’t your doing. However, the weight is subject to discussion as it’s the cause of ailments and can be altered for your own well-being. Yet, it shouldn’t be the base for your decision-making about a person.

Fashion-not the centre of gravity

I have seen insecurities lurking behind confident Western attire. I have been party to the glimpses of inferiority under the shadows of sophisticated dressing. Furthermore, I have seen people cornered or sidelined because of their so-called ‘not up to the mark’ choices of clothes.

Now, I wonder how can something as volatile as fashion, which keeps constantly changing, be your centre of gravity in life. How can it be a deciding factor? Surely you aren’t that hollow.

Grow beyond, Glow better

Always showcasing the same expressions either means you hide well or you are blank but certainly not truthful. If you are wearing your truth on the sleeve, be proud of yourself. If you are moody, come in bouts of smiles and sorrows, anxious and excited, be proud of yourself.

You are the real deal

Like the oceans,

sometimes calm and sometimes chaotic,

You are unnerving and relentlessly caring.

Like the various phases of the moon

You are the charm and freshness.

You are on the sublime journey towards perfection,

Emanating warmth while you blossom a bit every single time.

You are the real deal.

Be proud of yourself and who you are becoming.

Image source: CanvaPro

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