Why You Need To Catch Up On The Show FRIENDS!

Why you need to watch "FRIENDS" today! A 2000's cult sitcom about the lives of six reckless adults living in Manhattan.

Friends is a 2000’s cult classic sitcom showcasing the lives of six reckless adults living in Manhattan, as they indulge in tremendous adventures. With the slew of sitcoms being recommended left, right and centre, it can be easy to miss the magic of “Friends” but I’m sure I can convince you!

Every great love story begins with a ‘No’. So did the FRIENDS show for me. It was suggested to me by my sister with great reviews. I forced myself to watch it and later dropped after an episode or two. However, it went on to become something that I will hold so dear to me forever!

“FRIENDS” has an old-world charm!

The extraordinary TV show set in 1990s in New York, is nothing short of a wonder. A cult series, its USP are the six charismatic characters with magnetic personalities bearing no resemblance to each other. However each one of us is sure to identify with atleast one of them in many walks of life.

What won my heart is its backdrop. It’s set in an era prior to Android-iPhones, instant messengers. I am an old soul at heart. I revel in real-time friendships n romantic kind of love. Personally I am not a big fan of WhatsApp kind of relations which lacks emotions and expressions.

The long relaxed hours they spend in a coffee day-Central Perk, chatting and sharing everything between tiny frivolous things to life altering decisions, from winnings to rejections, from inferiorities to strengths, from smiles to more smiles, some tears too.

“FRIENDS” keeps getting more exciting!

Initially the episodes will seem normal, even boring, sometimes offensive. It’s like digging for gold, where we come across mud too. We find what we focus on. For me, the show is an absolute gem, emerald green- ever shining, ever fresh with the humor and true connections.

As the seasons progress, they gain space in your heart. Within no time you will find your true friends in six of them. You can’t wait to get back to them when outside. You feel one among them, sitting and conversing with them.

My favourite characters in the show!

My personal favorite being the brother sister duo Ross and Monica. Ross is sweet, loving and attractive, and underrated, though. He is an excellent lover. Few seconds of light music played in the background for special moments between him and Rachel were a killer….

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Monica, ever vibrant, ever disciplined and witty, secretly rules my heart. She is the link holding them all together, hosting them wholeheartedly.

Monica and Chandler just blended perfectly into each other. Nothing was amiss between them. Ross and Rachel had the fire which burnt them too at times but such is love anyways, so relatable. Phoebe, an independent soul in every which way had her own persona. Her special aura grows over you with time.

Final Thoughts

The show, while being lighthearted, also touches upon a number of socially relevant topics. Considering how 25 years ago the makers boldly depicted 3 unorthodox ways of pregnancy with the leading ladies. Surrogacy, adoption and single mother.

In this day of being busy with everything and nothing, if you need a warm hug and a cosy pullover with a cuppa- go and watch FRIENDS!

Watch it for what it is. Do not judge. Just feel. Just soak. Just let it do the magic.

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